Chapter 32- The End.

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Andy's POV

I starred at the doctor with my vision blurred from tears, waiting for him to say what possibly would  destroy my life forever. Just for him to say the love of my life was gone.

He looked into my eyes, taking a deep breath before speaking again, "She is dead, Mr. Biersack, and there's no saving her this time..."

I shook my head, "How could she possibly be dead?!?" I screamed, I couldn't help it. I love her!

He put his hand on my shoulder, this time I didn't have the strength to push it away, "Mr. Biersack, she had a deadly illness that was killing her. The thing is, she didn't have any symptoms and we're still trying to figure out what she had, we have come to a possible conclusion that she had a brain tumor. Im sorry."

The tears came back faster, I couldn't see anything. I collapsed onto the floor, punching it once. I felt arms pulling me up by my waist, pulling me into a tight hug.

I reached up with my hand, trying to wipe the tears streaming down my face. I saw Sammi's familiar face, she pulled me closer.

"A-Andy it's okay..." she said in a voice thick from crying. I wrapped my arms around her, shaking my head, opening my mouth to speak but nothing spilled from it. Nothing would ever be okay again. Does she not understand that?! Does she realize what Aleah meant to me!? Just thinking about her made my tears come faster.

Sammi reached down to wipe them, I squeezed my eyes shut. Forgetting one big responsibility I still had. Our......babies. How can I do this? Everything I did was for our family, but they reminded me of her so much. How can I stay strong?

It felt like I was drowning in my own thoughts, when I heard Sammi's soft voice.

"Andy..." she said, I looked at her, her face was still red from crying, tears still stained my face, "Are you ready to go...?" she asked.

I looked down, no final goodbyes? I thought to myself.

Sammi lifted my head back up, "Are you ready?" I nodded slowly, standing, I wobbled a bit, then started walking toward the hospital doors, back to the world that so generously took my loves life, but left me here to suffer.

I exited the hospital, walking up the steps of the tour bus, I walked past Vlad and Eva's room, I stood in there doorway, I wiped at my tear stained face.

"Mommy's gone.." I whispered into the darkness of there room, then walked away, going into my room, closing and locking the door. As I sat on my bed I heard a chorus of cries coming from the babies rooms, and I heard Sammi's feet patter against the floor as she ran to go get them.

I lay back, my head buried in the pillow as more tears escaped. As I lay there, memories flooded through my mind of the time Aleah and I had.


Ashley playfully punched my arm as I mimicked him in the most girliest voice I was capable of.

"Your such a bitch!" He yelled. The guys and I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm the bitch Mrs. Purdy!" I grinned. He chased after me.

"I'll get you Biersack!" He hollered.

"In your dreams Purdy!" I yelled back, looking back at him, when suddenly I crashed into someone. I looked up, and felt Ashley crash into me, also looking up. The principal looked down at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2011 ⏰

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I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now