Chapter 15- Engagement Ring

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Aleah's POV

The next all of us at the Mansion decided to go shopping. Only because I seriously needed a new wardrobe. I decided mine was to colorful. I needed more black and darker colors. Ya know?

We all got ready. But I was the last one to be finished. I put gauze over the stitches on my neck, and got dressed in my black ripped skinnies, and Asking Alexandria band tee.

When I was ready we left. We got there 15 minutes later. Me and Andy went to stores together, and the rest of them split up together.

First we went to Hot Topic. I looked through there pants. I got 2 pairs of black ripped skinnies. A black frilly tutu, a Motionless In White band tee, a Black Veil Brides band tee, a Blood On The Dance Floor band tee, and a Bullet For My Valentine band tee. Then, a black corset, and combat boots. Then we went up to pay.

The cashier scanned all the stuff, then looked up, smiling, "That comes up too $250."

I took out my wallet, taking out the money, but Andy got it done before me.

"Andy! I could've payed!" I playfully punched his arm.

He grinned, "Too bad. I wanted, too."

I shook my head, smiling, then picked up the bag, "Your lucky I love you!"

He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist, "I love you, too. My little devil." He kissed the top of my head. I smiled, but I hated how being short. I was only up to the middle of his stomach. I'm 4' 11", and it sucks.

We went to Journey's next, and I looked at Andy, grinning, "Don't you love it?"

He looked at me, "Oh, of course. Its just amazing." He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"What I don't like is Matt Good's joy for this damn store."

I laughed softly, going over to the converse. I picked up the Batman pair, going over to the front desk, "Can I get these in a 5, please?" He smiled, "Of course," before he turned around to go to the back, he looked me up and down, checking me out, I gave him a dirty ass look. Andy raised an eyebrow, talking under his breath, I looked up at him, my hand on his stomach, "It's okay, babe. Don't pay attention to him." He bent down, and kissed me once softly, I smiled, "I love you," he smiled, "I love you, too." Then the guy walked back out, giving Andy a dirty look, handing me the shoes. I took them, trying to pull Andy away by his arm, but he was looking at the guy, an evil look on his face.

"Andy, let;s go. Just ignore him." He shook his head, pulling out of my grasp, walking over to the guy.

"Is there a problem?"

The guy looked up at him, "Oh, no. Not at all." I slipped the money on the counter, just then Andy back handed the guy across the face, and we walked out.

He looked at us, Andy flicked him off, I laughed.

"It's okay, Andy. I wasn't paying attention to him. I only want you." He smiled, looking down at me.

"I hope so, because I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon. I'm all yours."

I smiled at that, he wrapped his arm around my waist, we walked out to the car, everybody was already there, we got in and Sammi drove. When we got back to the house Andy and I went to our room, I put away the stuff, and threw my Batman converse at him, he grinned, "I love Batman!"

I laughed, "Why do you think I got them. I knew you would like them."

"You know me so well," he smirked, putting the shoes under the bed, I sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. I smiled, leaning down a little, kissing his  neck, too.

He layed me down on the bed, sliding his hands under my shirt, kissing me roughly, I kissed him back hungrily, slipping off his shirt.

He smiled on my lips, undoing the bottoms on my jeans, my hands slipped to his belt, I slowly undid it, the ran my hands down his stomach, kissing him hotly, he kissed me back the same way, sliding off my jeans, I kicked his off, smiling on his lips.


We woke later that night, I stayed cuddled against him, he wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my head.

"I love you, Andy."

"I love you, too, Babe."

I smiled, turning on the fan, falling back asleep, being happy again since who knows how long. I liked being happy, hoping I would stay this way. I felt Andy tighten his arms around as I slept.

Andy's POV

I reached over to the bureau, grabbing a ring box. I opened it, taking it out.

It was the engagement ring I bought for Aleah. I just deciding on the right time to ask her. Do you think she'll say yes? I hope she does. I love her with all my heart.

I turned the ring over and over in my fingers. I hope she'll like it, too. It's has a white gold band, and a diamond shaped like a heart in the middle. I felt Aleah move in arms, next to me. I looked over at her.

"Hi sleepyhead," I said.

She smiled, "Hi handsome." She looked at the ring in my hands, "What's that?"

I smiled, "Will you marry me, Aleah?"

She looked at me, tears running down her cheeks, "Yes! Yes, Andy!" She hugged me tightly, I smiled when I saw the smile on her lips, I gently slid the ring onto her finger. She let go of me, looking at it.

"It's beautiful, Andy. I love it!" she smiled, I gently wiped her tears.

"Good. I was hoping you would. I love you with all my heart, Aleah. I never want to lose you. It would kill me if I lost you. I don't know what I would do."

She looked up at me, "Andy. I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'm all yours. Til the day I die. I love you too much to ever think of leaving you, again." I smiled.

"Your perfect," I said, she smiled.

"I'm far from it, Andy."

I shook my head, 'Well, to me you are. I've never met anyone as amazing as you."

She cuddled against me, smiling, drifting off into sleep.

I loved this girl, and nothing could ever change that.

I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now