Chapter 17- Tour!

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Aleah's POV

Before tour, Andy and I, went to my two month ultrasound.

-At the Ultrasound-

"Mrs. Snow?" The nurse called my name, Andy and I got up, walking into the ultrasound room,

I layed on the bed, lifting my shirt up a little, the nurse put the gel stuff on my stomach, I winced once, it was freezing, then she pressed the monitor thing to my stomach, moving it around.

I heard a small, faint, pounding noise. I looked over at the nurse.

"The heartbeat?" she smiled, nodding.

"Yes. The baby is doing very good. You should be able to find out what it is once you and the band get back from tour." I smiled. I couldnt wait.

"Thank you." She handed me the ultrasound pictures.

"Don't be. I enjoy my job very much." I smiled, standing up, handing the pictures to Andy. He took them, smiling as he looked through them.

"What do you think it will be?" he asked.

I shrugged, "What would you want it too be?"

He smirked, "It doesnt matter, as long as it's healthy."

I smiled, kissing him once before we got into the car.

"The boys and I have a surprise for you at home." he said, grinning.

I looked at him, "What is it?"

He chuckled, "I cant tell you. Why do you think they call it a surprise?"

I fake pouted, hoping he would give in.

He looked at me when there was a red light, shaking his head, "Where almost home. Be patient."

I crossed my arms across my chest, grinning, "Fine!"

He laughed softly once, "Your so weird sometimes."

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "And your not?"

He laughed again, "Pssht, no."

I laughed, "Yeah, okay, Mr. Biersack."

He chuckled when I said that, pulling into the drive way, I got out running to the house, Andy was right behind me, he ran in and up into CC's room, coming out with a huge box.

I waited at the bottom of the steps for him, when he came down, I grabbed the box, running and sitting on the couch, the boys walked in, they all sat around me, smiling.

I looked at them, "Anyone wanna tell me what it is before I open it?"

They shook there heads.

"Fine!" I tore the box open, I smiled.

It was a brand new guitar, one I would play on stage with the boys.

On the back of it was the Black Veil Brides star pendent logo in gold, and the guitar itself was black.

I loved it! I ran around hugging them all.

"Thank you!" I screamed, like Andy did when he screamed, "AHHH I'M JESUS!!!", I even used my hands like him.

He laughed, "That was priceless."

I looked at him, grinning, "I didnt do that on purpose."

He grinned, "Mhhhhm!"

All of the boys laughed, shakiing there heads.

I looked at them all, "Did you guys finish packing for tour?"

They all nodded, "Well I didnt! I'll be back!"

I ran upstairs, going through my closet, getting my suitcase out.

I picked out a bunch of clothes.

I put these things in my suitcase..:

~My studded leather jacket

~My 4 pairs of leather pants

~A Black Veil Brides band tee

~A Asking Alexandria band tee

~A plain white shirt

~A plain black shirt

~My ripped black leggings

~My backless black shirt with the BVB logo on it

~My combat boots

~My Batman converse

~A black tank top

~A white tank top

~My D.R.U.G.S. band tee

~3 pairs of black ripped skinny jeans

~My BVB Knives and Pens sweatshirt

and all of the other stuff I needed, then I put it all in my suitcase, and zipped it up.

God, this tour was going to be fun.

Andy's POV

I heard Aleah zip her suitcase up, and I heard the tour bus pull into the driveway to drive us to the airport. I called her name.

"Aleah! The tour bus is here!" I heard her stand up quickly.

"OKAAAY!" She ran downstairs, her suitcase in hand.

"Don't worry about your guitars, there already on the tour bus with the other equipment." She smiled.


I took her suitcase, and we walked out to the tour bus with the guys.

-At the airport-

We unloaded our luggage from the bus, and we boarded the plane, I sat next to Ashley and Aleah.

Ashley had his hoodie that zipped all the way up, on, and he looked like a freak skeleton.

I put my hand over my mouth, laughing silently, shaking my hand.

"Ash, you look like a freak." I heard him chuckle.

"I'm sexy and I know it. So stop hating."

I laughed, "Okay, Mr. Purdy."

I could already tell this was going to be an interesting flight.

CC, Jake and Jinxx reached up and pulled my hair, Aleah was listening to Perfect Weapon on her Ipod. I turned around.


They grinned, "HIIIIIII!" they all yelled in unison.

"You guys are creeps." I said, laughing a little bit.

"You act like we don't already know this." CC said, chuckling.

I shook my head. "Of course you guys already know."

I reached over and picked up my water bottle, taking a sip, then I spit it out immediately, CC was already on the floor, laughing. I stood up.

"Christian just wait until we get off this plane. I will murder you in your sleep. Vinegar tastes like shit." I said, a grin on my face, then I looked over at Aleah, she was laughing silently to herself.

I shook my head, sitting back down, a stewardess was staring at me, and I realized I had spit the vinegar in her face, I laughed.

"I'm so sorry ma'am!" She shook her head, walking away.

"Well, someones moody today."

The guys grinned, shaking there heads, then they all took out there ipods, listening to music, I put mine on, too, laying my head on Aleah's shoulder. She kissed my head, I smiled.


Sorry for the long wait :) Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

PLEASE comment and tell me how you like the chapter & can I get some votes?(:

lol ;P


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