Chapter 31- "Well, Mr. Biersack, I'm sorry to tell you this, but....."

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Hellllllo guys :D Well, as you can tell from the chapter title, something may be wrong with Aleah :o I may or may not make the story end in just a few chapters...maybe around 32-33 chapters. Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of it!:D<3


Andy's POV

I was standing outside of the venue, smoking a cigarette, when I heard someone screaming my name. They sounded awfully familiar. I followed the direction the voice was coming from. As I got closer, I realized it was Sammi, she was holding one of the babies, someone lay unconcious on the ground in front of her. I sped up. Is that who I think it is?

"ANDY! ALEAH! SHE NEEDS HELP!" Sammi cried out. I took off running toward them, stopping when I was in front of Aleah, bending down, picking her up into my arms. She was deathly pale, I shook her gently.

"Aleah???" I said in a quiet, shaky voice, ready to cry, "Aleah! Wake up!" I said as my voice got stronger.

No response.

I ran inside the tour bus with her, laying her down on the couch, running to the drivers area, speeding to the hospital. When we got there, I ran back to Aleah, picking up her still body into my arms, running inside the hospital, running to the doctors. They all looked at me, then back at Aleah.

I pushed her into one of there arms, "HELP HER!!!" I screamed, and thats when the tears escaped. I couldnt hold them any longer.

As I sat there in the waiting room, I left my head in my hands, it seemed like forever until I heard my name being called out. I looked up and found where my was being called from, a tall doctor motioned me over to him as we connected eyes. I got up from the waiting room chair, crossing the room in a few short strides. I stood in front of him.

"I-is everything o-okay?" I asked in a shaky voice.

He looked down, doing a soft sigh, "Mr. Biersack I'm afraid not."

I looked at him, more tears coming, "What's wrong with her then?!" I screamed.

He placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me, I pushed it away, "Tell me!" I screamed again. He put his hand back on his side, looking at me.

"Well, Mr. Biersack, I'm sorry to tell you this, but....."


Oooooooooooh, another cliff-hanger :O You guys must hate me. I'm sorry, but its fun writing cliff-hangers. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter :D

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