Chapter 19- I Wasn't Expecting That...Oh well

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Aleah's POV

The tour ended, and we were back home at the BVB Mansion. Andy and I were getting ready to go to the ultrasound to find out if it was a boy or girl.

-At Ultrasound-

We sat in the waiting room, waiting for the nurse to call us.

I looked at Andy, smiling, "What do you want it to be?"

He looked at me, smiling, "As long as its healthy it doesnt matter to me."

I hugged him, "I love you."

He hugged me back, "I love you, too."

The nurse walked into the waiting room, smiling, "Miss. Snow, and Mr. Biersack?"

We stood up following her into the room.

I layed on the bed, lifting my shirt up a little, revealing the little baby bump, the nurse put the freezing cold gel on my stomach, and moved the device around, she looked confused.

"Is everything alright?" I asked softly.

She stood, "I'll be right back." Then she walked out of the room.

I looked at Andy, a worried look on my face, he took my hand, "I'm sure everything is okay. Just think positive." I nodded, smiling faintly once, then the nurse walked back in, followed by a doctor, they looked at the monitor, the doctor smiled turning to me.

"Well, Miss. Snow. you are having twins," He turned the monitor towards me and Andy and our mouths dropped open.

Andy was shocked, "T-Twins?" the doctor nodded.


I smiled, "Can we know what they are?"

The nurse nodded, "Ones a girl, and the other is a boy." She pointed them out, Andy and I both smiled.

I turned to Andy, "What do you want to name the boy?"

He grinned, "Vladimir Dennis Biersack!"

I smirked, "I like that name. And for the girl?"

He thought for a second, then smiled, "Eva Poppy Biersack!"

"Oooooh, I like that name, too." The nurse and doctor grinned.

"Those are two wonderful names." The nurse said, handing the ultrasound pictures.

I wiped off my stomach and Andy and I got up, going out to the car.

"What do you think the boys would say?" I asked, grinning.

He shrugged, "I think they'll be happy. They have two little people to teach Drums, Bass, and Guitar, too."

I nodded, "I didnt think of that. But that is true."

We grinned, and pulled into the driveway, and we got out, walking inside.

The guys looked at us, smirking, "And?" they all said in unison.

I smiled, "It's Twins!"

There eyes widened in shock but they still smiled.


I laughed, shaking my head, "Of course. But no pranks, CC!"

He pouted like a little kid, "Awww! I was looking forward to that!"

I patted his head, "Its okay, little one. Youll survive."

He smirked michiviously, "Yes. Yes I will."

I gave him a weird look, "I dont want to know what you plan on doing."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter xP

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