Chapter 13- Happpy Biiirthdayyy!

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Aleah's POV

I woke up the next day, Andy smiled,

"Happy Birthday!"

I sat up,

"Im too old.." I smirked.

"How? Your only 19,"

"Sooo! That's too old!"

"Oh well," he took my hand, bringing me downstairs, there was a bunch of presents and all the guys where up with there girlfriends.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" they yelled, smiling.

I grinned, "Thank you!"

I went back upstairs, changing into my black ripped skinnies, and a BVB shirt, then went back downstairs, smiling, and gave everyone a hug,








I sat down beside Andy.

He placed a huge box in front of me.

"What is that, Andy?" I asked.

"Open it. I promise youll love it!" he winked, I giggled, opening it up.

Two black bunnies hopped out, I screamed, they scared the living shit outta me!

I hugged Andy, "Thankyou! There adorable!" I caught the two bunnies, putting them on Andy's lap.

"Ones Perv, obviously after Ashley," I looked at Ashley, "Don't try to teach it anything!" He grinned, and I placed the other one on my lap, "This one is Coma, after CC!" I smiled, looking at CC. He grinned. "Thats going to be one epic fucking bunny!"

I smirked, "Of course. I wouldnt be surprised if you taught it to drum!" He grinned michiviously. "Oh no, I gave him an idea..."

"Just wait until I'm finished with him!"

I shook my head, laughing quietly.

I put the bunnies back in the cage, Sammi started taking pictures of them.

Jinxx handed me the presents from him and Sammi.

I smiled, unwrapping them.

Jinxx's was a beautiful diamond necklace, I hugged him tightly, squeezing.

"Thank you big bro!"

He chuckled, "No problem lil sis!"

Then I looked at Sammi's present, smiling.

It was a matching diamond bracelet. I hugged her, squeezing,

"Thank you Sammi!"

She smiled, "Your welcome Sweety!"

Then Mellissa and Jake handed me a big box from both of them.

I opened it, smiling brightly.

It was a white guitar, (I have been playing guitar since I was 10), and too add to it, everybodies signatures were on it, and a picture of them all together,(as in all of the BVB boys and Sammi, Mellissa, and Krystina).

I hugged Jake and Mellissa tightly, kissing both of there cheeks.

"I love you guys!"

They smiled, hugging me back, "We love you, too!"

Next was CC's and Krystina's present.

They handed me a small white box, I opened it, smiling.

It was Black Veil Brides guitar picks. One of Jinxx, Andy, Jake, Ashley, and of course CC.

I hugged them tightly, squeezing.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled at them.

They smiled back at me, "Your welcome!" they both said in unison.

Next was Ash's present, he handed me a wrapped small box.

I opened it, and instantly started laughing.

It was a shirt that said, "My Boobs Are Property of Ashley Purdy," (then in very small letters), "Oh, and of course...Andy!"

I looked at him, he grinned, "Your such a perv!" He laughed.

"But a proud one!"

Everyone laughed at that.

I love my friends! There like my one big extended family! And Of course, my love, Andy! <3

After I finished opening presents, my parents walked in with a cake, everyone started singing "Happy Birthday", I smiled. My dad handed me a small box. I opened it, and screamed, jumping into his arms.

"Thank you sooo much! I love you guys!"

They laughed, "Your welcome, honey! We love you, too!"

I picked up the keys to my brand new Black Lambergini. This day couldnt get any better!

Around 10, Jinxx and Sammi went to there room, CC and Krystina went to there room, and Jake and Mellissa went to there room. Then Andy picked me up, carrying me to our room.

He layed me on the bed, sliding off my shirt, kissing down my body. (YOU ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT ;))

When I woke up the next morning, I ran to the bathroom. I threw up, feeling like crap.

When I finished, I brushed my teeth. Then I went back to the room, laying next to Andy, falling asleep again.

I looked around, darkness surrounding me, I heard someone weeping.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello?" I heard the weeping voice reply.

"Who are you?!" I slipped over my own two feet, trying to walk to the person. I fell.

"Who are you?!" The voice said.

I didnt reply. I reached for my phone, getting up, letting the dm light guide me toward the anonomyous person.

When I saw her, my dropped open.

I looked at her stomach, it was cut open, a baby llay inside, dead, but breathing.

I moved closer to the girl. Her....face.

It is....mine!

I screamed.

I shot upright in bed, I looked around, breathing heavy.

Andy sat up, pulling me into his arms.

"It's okay. Your okay." He said soothingly.

I layed my head on his chest, closing my eyes.

"it was so real, Andy.." I said in a quiet, shaky voice.

He rubbed my back, "What was babe?"

"My nightmare....I was there, but there was another me tied to a table, her stomach was cut open. There was a dead baby. But it was still breathing."

I looked up at him, he kissed my forehead gently.

"It was only a dream. Don't worry about it. I'll always protect you..." He rubbed my back softly, singing "Saviour" to me. It calmed me. I cuddled against him, remaining awake.

"Andy, I think I might be pregnant..." I said softly, tears slipping from my eyes, he kissed my head again, a tear slipping from his eye, but he was quiet, thinking.

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