Chapter 25- Black Veil Brides Babies

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-The next day-

Aleah's POV

Today Vlad and Eva are getting there pictures taken. They look adorable. Eva is dressed in a black frilly dress, with gold BVB symbol's decorating it, and Vlad is wearing an adorable black tux, with little gold BVB symbols decorating it, also.


I walked down to the photoshoot room, Vlad and Eva in my arms. Sammi was the photographer. I smiled, looking around the room. The boys brought all of there Black Veil Brides equipment from the tour bus, and it was set up nicely around the room. I looked at Sammi.

"Ready?" I asked her.

She nodded, "I'm always ready." She said, grinning.

I took Eva and Vlad over to the props, I had Andy stand in front of his microphone, and I handed him Eva, he held her protectively in his arms, putting the Mic in her tiny hands, and looked down at her adoringly as she played with the Mic curiously. I looked at Sammi, as she started snapping photos. I smiled.

When Sammi finished taking the pictures of Andy and Eva, I handed Eva to Ash.

"Work your perverted magic with her Ash!" I said, grinning.

He grinned, laying his bass on the floor, helping Eva sit up on it, and layed down on his stomach, watching her as she played with the strings of the bass, smiling. Sammi snapped a bunch of pictures.

Then I took Eva, and handed her to Jinxx, she stared at his hair, her expression was adorable. Sammi took pictures of them looking at eachother with crazy faces.

Then it was Jake's turn. I handed her to him. He layed on his stomach, and had me lay her on her tummy on his back, his guitar leaning against his legs. Sammi took the pictures. They all came adorable so far.

Finally, it was CC's turn with her. He took one drum from the set and sat her on it, and put the drum sticks in her hands, helping her sit up. She banged them on the drums as Sammi took the pictures. CC grinned.

"She's a natural!!" I laughed softly.

Then, it was Vlad's turn to take his pictures with the boys.

I handed him to Andy.

Andy layed on his stomach and lay Vlad on his stomach across from him. They both smiled handsomely as Sammi snapped pictures.

Next was CC and Vlad. I handed him to CC. CC sat him on one of his drums, and he sat on the stool, handing Vlad the drumsticks, he banged them on the drums as Sammi took the pictures.

After CC was Ash. Ash took him, taking off his tux jacket, helping him sit on his bass as he he took off his shirt, making a crazy face, that made Vlad grin handsomely. Sammi snapped a lot of pictures of them.

Next was Jinxx, he took him, sitting him on how head, Vlad held onto his hair, and Jinxx made a crazy face as Sammi snapped pictures of them.

Finally, it was Jake's turn. He took Vlad. Holding his little hands, helping him stand as they looked at eachother, smiling. Sammi took the pictures.

For the rest of the pictures, Andy and I along with Eva and Vlad sat on a black leather couch, we sat Eva and Vlad between us, having them give eachother a kiss as Andy and I kissed too.

Sammi took the last picture and picked up the babies.

She smiled, "The pictures came out amazing. You'll love them. They should be published in a few days."

I smiled, "thank you so much!"

"No problem!"she said, smiling.


Hehe pictures(:

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Sorry I didn't do too good with this chapter. I still hope you enjoyed it :D


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