Chapter 18- First Show - London

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Andy's POV

It is our third night in London, and we have our first show, we are all getting ready.

I finished doing my makeup and hair, and I was helping Aleah do her warpaint.

I put the stitch on the side of her mouth, and made it so it was surrounding her eye, with to bending short lines, sticking off the side, and I straightened her long layered hair, teasing it.

Aleah's POV

I looked in the mirror when Andy finished, grinning.

"Your better at doing makeup than me, Andy. Wanna know why thats sad?"

He chuckled, grinning, "Why?"

"Why do you think?"

"Because Im a guy?"

I smirked, "Exactly," I kissed him once, then CC ran in the bathroom, I laughed so hard.

I looked at Andy and he was already on the floor, laughing, turning red.

CC looked pissed, "JINXX DREW A COCK ON MY FACE!!!!"

Jinxx ran in laughing, he drew a cock going down CC's face, I got over, finishing my laughing fit.

"Nice!!!" I grinned, giving Jinxx a high five, he chuckled, returning it.

Then I got serious, "Now CC go redo your makeup, the show is gonna be starting soon."

He nodded, going back to his room, redoing his makeup, Andy and I went downstairs, sitting with Ashley, Jake and Jinxx.

"CC is so fucking slow," I then looked at Jinxx, "Whyd you draw a cock on his face, anyway?"

Ashley looked at me, "Dont say that. It sounds dirty when a girl says it."

I shook my head, "You of all people is saying it sounds dirty? Really?"

He nodded, "Yes. Dont judge me."

"Okay then," I turned to Jinxx again, "Whyd you draw that on his face?"

He grinned, "Because he fell asleep in the shower, and I was finished getting ready and I got bored."

"Wow....." I chuckled.

Eventually CC finished, and we went to the venue.

Andy's POV

We walked out onto stage, Aleah stood next to Jake, and I went to my mic.

"ARE ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS READY?!?!?!" I screamed, they cheered at the top of there lungs.

I grinned, Aleah started the song off. It was Sweet Blasphemy.

I started singing, and the crowd joined in, as did Jake, Jinxx, CC, and Ashley.

"Through sadness you have taught us to be one with the crowd,

Unveil the sacred order, hymns of falling down,

You told the greatest story, of love and bleeding crowns,

But to the sick and hungry you cannot be found,

We are young and we are strong,

Through strength in self we become,

something more than they can be,

I raise my heart and sing,

That I wont believe this lie,

I know theres something more inside,

When Darkness is all you see,

This is our Sweet Blasphemy,

I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now