Chapter 28- Wedding Plans

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Aleah's POV

The next day was Andy's and the boys day off. We decided we would go out and start planning stuff for the wedding, and the boys would watch Vlad and Eva.

I was getting ready, waiting for Andy too get home, the babies sleeping.

I got in the shower, washing up, when I heard the door open, and someone walked in the shower behind me, I turned around, smiling.

"HIII!!!" I jumped into Andy's arms, he grinned, hugging me tightly.

:Are the babies sleeping?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah.."

"Aw, I miss them! Can I wake them up?" he said, grinning.

"If they cry, you can get them to be quiet.." I said.

He smiled, "Okay!!!" Then ran out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist, running to the babies room.

I shook my head, finishing up, then got out, drying off. I walked to the bedroom, looking through my closet. I pulled out a black corset top, and a black tutu, then got dressed. I looked in the mirror.

"Hmmmmm, what to do with my hair.....?" I looked around the room, spying the curling iron, I skipped over to it, grabbing it. I plugged it into the wall. I stood there, waiting impatiently for it too heat up, tapping my foot on the floor. Andy stood in the doorway, Vlad and Eva sitting up on his shoulders, smiling.

I smiled, "Cute babies!" They giggled.

I grinned, lightly pressing one finger on the iron to see if it was hot, I don't know what happnened but seconds later, a hot pain shit through my finger, I pulled away quickly, sucking on my finger. (DIRTY MIND)

"YOU MOTHERFUCKING CUNT!" I yelled at it. Andy looked over at me, his head tilted to the side, as were Vlad and Eva's.

I smiled shyly, "Oops! Sorry about that....." I said.

Andy shook his head, grinning, then walked away with the babies.

I turned toward the curling iron again, "Okay, you bastard, let's do this..." I picked it up, and started curling my hair.

15 minutes later, I finished. I looked at it in the mirror, smiling, "Nice!" I slipped on finshnet leggings under the tutu, and little black heels, then walked to the bathroom, getting my eyeliner, doing a thick layer at the top and bottom of my eyes.

When I was finished, I walked downstairs, over to Andy.

"When are the boys gonna be home?" I asked.

He looked at the time, "Right about now...." and as if on cue, the door slammed open, and CC ran in, followed by the rest of them.

"WHERE ARE MY BABIES?!?!" CC screamed, he ran to Andy, snatching them off his shoulders, tickling them. They giggled cutely. I smiled, then looked at Andy.

"Ready?" He nodded, and we walked out to the car. I got in the passenger seat and And drove.

-30 minutes later-

We got out of the car, we we're at the beach, we walked along it, holding hands.

"I want a beach wedding!" I thought out loud.

Andy smiled, "You can have whatever you want, Aleah."

I smiled shyly, "The colors will be black and red, lots of rose petals, during the suset!" I said, smiling, shaking my head enthusiastically.

Andy grinned, "Sounds....beautiful, just like you.."

I smiled, blushing a soft pink, "Thank you," I said in a small voice.

He kissed my cheek, I smiled.

"What would you like the wedding to be like?" I asked him.

He looked up at the sky, "What you said sounds perfect. I just have a suggestion?"

I nodded, "Okay. Tell me?"

"Black dress and a black veil?" He said, grinning.

I smiled widely, "You read my mind! I want a black dress, with a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot, of layers at the bottom. And a red bow seperating the corsetted top from the layers at the bottom, and of course, a black veil to represent my Black Veil Bride.."

He smiled, "Your amazing!"

I kissed him once, "So are you!"

He smiled, thinking for a second, "What do you want the cake to look like?" He asked.

I smiled, looking up at the sky, slipping into my own little world, thinking about the cake design, until Andy tapped me on the shoulder.

"Aleah?" he said.

I came back to the real world, "Oh, sorry! Uhm, well, I want it to have 6 layers. But I dont want them to just be circle and go from bigger to smaller, its going to be unique. It's going to be marble cake, white fondart on the outside, black designs decorating it, and a big red chocolate bow on top! And of course, it will say, "I Now Pronounce You Husband & Wife! Mr. & Mrs. Biersack!" I smiled, Andy did, too.

"I should just leave this wedding planning up to you." He said, grinning.

I shook my head, "Noooo, you have to pick out what you want your tux to look like!"

He nodded, "Yes, my tux. I'll have to think about that. I want it to match you perfectly."

I smiled, hugging him, and softly whispered in his ear, "I love you, Andrew Biersack.."

He smiled, wrapping his arms around me tightly, whispering in my ear, "And I love you more Mrs. Biersack..I can't wait until we're officially married.."

I kissed his cheek, "Neither can I, Mr! Vlad and Eva are gonna look adorable.."

He grinned, "My little rockers. There amazing!"

I smiled, taking his hand back in mine, gently kissing it once.


Sorry for the long wait! But here it is!:D I hope you enjoyed it!<3

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 & If you have any ideas for the wedding, tell me. I want to make it amazing :D


I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now