Chapter 11- I fucking hate you!

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Andy's POV

The next day me and the boys had a show.

"Are all you crazy motherfuckers ready?!" I screamed. They cheered.

We played,

~God Bless You

~Perfect Weapon


~All Your Hate

~The Legacy

~Sweet Blasphemy


~Knives and Pens

~Set The World On Fire

~Children Surrender

~Rebel Love Song

When the show ended, me, the boys and Aleah went out to the bar, getting wasted. Soon after, the boys and Aleah left. I stayed behind.

This girl came up to me and kissed me, I kissed her back, I took her to a private room, sliding off her clothes and mine.

....(you all know what happened ;)) ....

We finished an hour later, and I got dressed, stumbling back to Aleah and the boys.

I walked in. Aleah looked at me, then got up.

"I fucking hate you, Andy! I knew this was too good to be true! I hope you enjoyed fucking some hoe! Because thats all you'll fucking get!"

She ran out, crying, I chased after her, but she was already gone in her car.

How'd she know I fucked someone else?

I looked in the mirror and saw a hickey. Shit....

Aleah's POV

I drove to the park, stumbling out of my car. Getting out my razor blade.

I cut up all the skin on my arms and stomach, letting myself slip into a peaceful sleep. Kyra, mommy will be with you soon. I promise.

I saw a bright light as my eyelids fell heavy and shut, then I saw my little girl, crawling. I smiled, scooping her up into my arms, she said something,

"Momma, whyd you do tat? You know dada wuvs you. Wiff all his heart!!"

I cried, holding her close.

"Baby, if he did he wouldnt of done that. I just want you back."

"Momma, you always have me, Right tere," I looked down at her tiny hand, pointing to my heart. I smiled beneath my tears.

"I love you babygirl!"

"I wuv yoo too momma!"

Then I woke up in the hospital, pain shooting through my body. I cried, it hurt so bad.

Andy walked in, hugging me gently.

"Baby, Im so sorry!"

I layed my head on his chest, "I know, Andy. It's okay. I love you."

"I love you, too. So much."

I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now