Chapter 20- I Miss My Baby...

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-3 months later-

Aleah's POV

I sat in the bathroom, looking down at my 5 month belly. It's actually huge. Just because the twins.

But, anyway. Today isnt the best day.

It's been a know, since Kyra....was murdered. I miss her terribly. I'm going to the cemetery today. I wanted to talk to her. Andy was going to go after. I pulled on a black blouse, and black ripped skinnies, and put my hair up in a neat ponytail, then I put on my black converse, and walked downstairs.

"ANDY IM LEAVING! ILL BE BACK LATER!" I screamed up to him.

"OKAY! LOVE YOU." He screamed back.

"LOVE YOU TOO!" Then I left.

-At the Cemetery-

I went and found Kyra's grave.

I read the epitaph carved into the small headstone.

Kyra Elizabeth Biersack

Gone but never Forgotten

We loved her with all of our hearts


I sat down in front of her headstone, my legs crossed.

"Hi baby..." I said softly, a few tears slipping from my eyes.

"I miss you so much. Mommy and Daddy our having new babies but they'll never replace you. You'll always have a special place in mommy's heart. In daddy's, too. Daddy will be here later. He misses you, too." I layed on the cold, damp ground of the cemetery. Crying, I slowly drifted off too sleep.

"Mommy! Watch out! Mommy run!!!" I heard someone yelling to me. I didnt know who though,. It couldnt be Kyra. So, I pushed it too the back of my mind.

"MOMMY!!!!" Then it was silent. I woke up. It was dark. Were was I? I looked around.

"A-Andy..?" I said softly, stammering.

I heard a door creak open and a line of a soft white light came into the room, followed by a mysterious shadow.

"Who are you?" I said frantically.

I heard them chuckle. There voice was very deep.

"W-who are you?!" I yelled.

"Just shut up. No one can hear you, Aleah. I told that boy of yours I'd get you."

I shook my head, trying to wiggle of the rope, "WHO ARE YOU?! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I screamed again.

The guy came over to me, slapping me across my face, "Now is that a way to talk to a nice gentleman?"

I felt tears run down my cheeks, "Please let me go. My babies."

"Oh, please. Shut the fuck up. Your done, Aleah. You shouldnt of did that to me."

"What are you talking about?! I dont know you!!" I said in a voice thick from crying.

"But you do, darling. Don't you remember my voice?"

I shook my head, "No!"

"Well, let me refresh your memory. You were five, and with your father. He shot my little girl. On purpose!"

I started crying harder, "But why are you after me?! I didnt do anything! You already killed my little girl. Please just leave me alone. I dont want to die like this. I dont want to die at all." I looked up, closing my eyes, praying. I wish Andy was here right now. I let out an ear peircing scream, the guy grabbed my hair, putting his hand over my mouth, I bit down on it hard, and he screamed, letting go.

I let out another scream, this time I screamed Andy's name, he should be in the cemetery already.

"ANDDDDDYYYYYY!!!" The guy came back over to me.

-Andy's POV-

 I was at Kyra's grave, tears running down my cheeks, when I heard my name called, somewhere in the distance. I stood, walking in that direction. The voice sounded awfully familiar. Then I heard it, again.


Aleah. I ran in the direction, when I came to were I heard it from, the Mosealuem thing in the cemetery, I pushed open the door, walking inside.

"Aleah.....?" Then a guy ran at me, a huge rock in his hand, I avoided the blow, punching his straight in his face, then fell on top of him, hitting him non-stop until he was unconcious. Almost dead. Then I slowly got up, running to Aleah, I got to her, untying her, hugging her tightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking at her.

She nodded, crying into my chest, "I want to go home." She said softly.

I kissed her head, and we walked out, going back to the car.


Sorry, I did a poor job on this chapter x(

I hope you liked it anyway :D

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