Chapter 14- A Good Day, Gone Bad...

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Aleah's POV

The next day, all of us decided to go for a swim.

I put on my black and silver bikini, CC threw me over his shoulder, and ran out to the pool, screaming like a retarded person, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I laughed at him.

Jake, Jinxx, Andy, and Ashley walked out followed by Sammi, Mellissa, and Krystina.

CC threw me in the pool, I swam away from him before he could jump in on top of me, I laughed when he jumped in and hit hit ass on the bottom of the pool, expecting me to be there. He came back up, and I jumped on his back, "CC!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, he grinned.

He ran in circles, making me dizzy, I laughed the whole time. All the boys jumped in followed by all the girls, they all jumped on CC and me, and we all went under as a group.

After awhile we came back up, I was on Andy's shoulders, Krystina was on CC's shoulders, Mellissa was in Jake's shoulders, and Sammi was on Jinxx's shoulders, Ashley just stood there.

"Aww. I'm all lonely." He did his famous puppy dog eyes, pouting. I laughed and jumped off Andy's shoudlers, swimming to Ashley, hugging him tightly.

"I love you Perv!" I smirked.

He squeezed me tightly, grinning, "I love you, too weirdo!" I flicked his head, laughing.

"Im not a weirdo!"

He rubbed his head, acting like it hurt, pouting, "Meanie," I laughed, going back to Andy, getting back on his shoulders.

"I need a girlfriend," Ash said.

I looked at him, "Ya think," I grinned.

He rolled his eyes, smiling.

I looked around at everyone, "Wanna play chicken?" They grinned.

"Hell yeah!" They all said in unison.

I smirked, I went up against Ashley. I stayed on Andy's shoulder's and Ashley on on CC's shoulders.

We wrestled. We knocked eachother off there shoulders at the same time, we laughed as we dove into the water. I didnt realize it but I was extremely close to the edge of the pool, my stomach slammed against the edge, I clutched my stomach as I went down into the water, I saw blood, I ran out of the pool. Andy ran after me, followed by everyone else.

I ran to the kitchen, turning to face them, my hands still clutching my stomach.

"The b-baby," I stammered, then fell to the floor unconcious.

Andy's POV

I ran to Aleah, picking her up bridal style in my arms, we all ran to the car, rushing her to the hospital.

Once we got there, I ran her to a doctor, he took her out of my arms, taking her to a room, making us all wait for her in the waiting room. I was worried sicka about her. I just want her to be okay.

I was thinking about the baby. Maybe having kids wasnt meant for us. I can only imagine how Aleah must feel, having lost both of her babies.

Aleah's POV

I woke up, feeling dizzy.

I stood, stumbling out of the hospital room, to Andy, I didnt care what the doctors had to say.

Once he saw me, he stood, running to me, hugging me tightly.

I hugged him back, laying my head on his chest,

"I want to go home," I said softly.

He kissed my head, "Okay.."

We all left, I sat in the back seat by myself, my head down, why do I always have to ruin things.

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