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Joel's Pov

A week has passed since I started getting tutored by that white boy.He's actually pretty smart,I guess.I have a D+ on my test today.Its much better than a F.

"Hey Joel.Can you stay for a little please?"Mrs.Ray asked.

I nodded,sitting back in my seat.

"You did amazing on the test today.Who helped you?"

"That white kid uh...Colin yup."I tapped my fingers on the desk.

"You should thank him this is great improvement.Keep going like that and you'll get an A in no time."

I laughed."An A?No Mrs.Ray.I ain't a nerd.The day I get an A is when I die cause ain't no way that's happening."

"Sure it will.I believe in you.Colin believes in you.You need to believe in you."

I shook my head."Sorry I can't.I'm not smart enough.I'll see you tomorrow."

I walked off.The bell rang.Now I'm late.

Whatever.I'll just get a late pass.

I was on my way to the office when I heard yelling and screaming.

What the hell is going?

I turned the corner.Some guy was on the floor and two other guys were stomping on him.

Then I went closer.Shit.Its Colin.

"Yo what the fuck?!?Get off of him.Now!Before I beat your asses!"The two guys moved away.

Sigh.Damn they messed his face up bad.I grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

"Hey"I turned his face so I was looking at him.

"Ha.He got his little girlfriend standing up for him.Or should I say g-g-g-girfriend."Everyone around us laughed.

When the hell did a crowd gather?

"He has a freaking speech problem and you're picking on him?He can't argue without sounding stupid!Leave him alone!"I yelled,getting angry.

It just made so upset.

"Wow.You must have been hooked huh?"One of the tall guys said.

"Ugh.You are so ignorant and dumb."I kicked him in his area.

He grabbed his privates and fell to the floor.

"Anyone else?"I asked.The crowd quickly disappeared.

"Come on Colin.Let's fix your face."I sighed and dragged him to the boys bathroom.

"Hey!Get out!"The boys who were peeing yelled.

I rolled my eyes.I gestured for Colin to sit on the sink.

I went in the small cabinet where they keep first aid kits and crap.

Found it.

All the guys exited the bathroom.

"So?Your gonna tell me what happened or what?"

He stared at me with his busted lip.

Nothing.Why isn't he speaking?

"Talk to me.I just saved your ass from dying.No thank you?"

Colin swallowed and played with his fingers.He does that a lot.I don't know why.Maybe he's nervous?

"Colin cmon we have to get you cleaned up.Is anywhere hurting?You in pain?Speak to me."

Then I noticed tears coming out of his eyes.

Is he...crying?This nigga cannot be serious.Can he?

"Colin no.Don't do that.Don't cry."

I felt him pull me toward him and embrace me in a hug.

Uh the fuck?These white people I swear.

I felt his breath against neck.

I gulped.What?Why am I nervous?I'm not nervous.So what is that?What is that tingly feeling?

"S-sorry. "He pulled away.

I cleared my throat."Its okay."

"I-it h-happens all t-t-the-"

"Why haven't you told somebody?Told me? I could a whipped them all real good"

That made him laugh. I smiled.

I wiped his leftover tears.Then I pulled my hand back when I realized what I just did.

"Um so uh I saw them kicking you, where?"

He pointed to his side.

"Can I see?"

Colin nodded.

I lifted up his shirt.Just a little though.I'm not a pervert.

It was red and bruised.I picked up one of the sprays from the first aid kit and applied it.

He bit his lip and winced at the pain.Ooops.

"Sorry.Where else?"

He blushed.

"You got kicked in the nuts,didn't you?"

He nodded.

I laughed,shaking my head.

"How often does this happen?"

He gave me a confused look.

"You getting jumped by a whole bunch of guys?"

"T-twice a w-w-week"

I raised my eyebrows.

"Why would they do that?How come you didn't tell me?"

Colin shrugged.

"Thats not happening again,okay?I got your back."I slapped his arm.

He winced.Oops.

"Now let's focus on your lips.I mean not like focus on them because I don't like you like that but you know what I mean.Right?"

Colin laughed.He has a really nice laugh.

Please tell me I didn't think that.

I put some alcohol on a napkin and dabbed it on his bottom lip.

He watched me as I put more alcohol on the napkin and dabbed more on his lips.

This nigga got some pink ass lips.Not that I mind.

But why would I need to mind?Ugh stop brain.

"All done.You can head back to class now."

"I-I do-dont wa-want to."Colin whispered.

I gasped."Mr.White boy doesn't want to go to class.I can't believe this.Skipping is bad sir."

"I-I k-k-know b-but t-"

"Those guys are in your class?"

He nodded.

"Do you ever go to class that period?"

Colin shook his head no.

"So how do you make up the work?After school?"

He nodded.

"That sucks.I'm sorry."

He shrugged.

"A-at l-least y-y-your h-here."

I smiled.

That shit was cute AF.Hope you guys liked it.Vote and comment.please.

Thx love u lots

Xoxo nia.

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