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Colin is gonna be savage as fuck in this chapter so yeah

Joel's Pov

"What?No.Youre not serious,right?"I asked,shocked.

"Does it look like I'm joking?"His eye contact was scaring me a little.

"But Colin don't you wanna wait?I mean this isn't the right time...I might not be the right person..."I trailed off.

He put his index finger on my lips.
"I'm fucking serious.Now stop talking."

"Then why would you-"

"I said,STOP FUCKING TALKING!"He yelled.

I blinked my eyes in shock.

"I'm gonna treat you the way I feel.Like shit."He bit my earlobe with so much force that I groaned.

"Ow my ear,bitch the fuck-"

"Don't talk to me like that."Colin grabbed my face with his hand.

Not hard but not soft either.

"Who the fuck gave you permission to touch me like that ?"I asked,as he pushed me even harder against the wall.

"I don't need permission from a whore like you."

My mouth dropped.

"I mean look at what the fuck your wearing.Whos attention are you trying to get?Cant be mine since you wanna sleep with all the other guys in town."He pulled at my crop top.

My mouth was still open.

"What?Cant do anything but open that big mouth of yours?"He asked,laughing.

I stayed silent.I was actually scared to answer.

"I'm-" Colin blushed at my response and went like flash out of my house.



It's been a few days since that night.He hasn't called or texted.Not even to apologize.Maybe he's done with me.

Well I have to find out for sure.I walked to his house and knocked on the door.

"Hi."I greeted as I stood in the entrance.

"Hey."His hair was all disheveled and his shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way.Even his pants were sagging.He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"About that night-"

"I know.Can I come in?"

I walked over to his bookshelf and took up my charm bracelet.I must of left it.

"I'm so s-sorry Joel."He bowed his head.

I rolled my eyes."Pfft,please.Dont be all innocent and shit with me."

"I know you hate me but I  j-just-knowing you wanted that guy instead of me...I felt like this was the one thing that I could control.I guess not.And what I said to you...I know I can't take it back.And I'm really sorry.I feel like because you think I'm this sweet guy that I can't stand up for myself.That-that I can't show you how I feel.Like I'm a joke and you can do anything you want.This relationship feels so one sided sometimes.Like,I'm the guy in this relationship,I should be in charge right?I mean,shouldn't I?I want to punish you so bad.I think you deserve it.I think what you did shouldn't just be forgotten.I want you to pay for what you did to me.For the way you made me feel."I saw a tear slide down his cheek.

"It was a mistake.Hooking up with Antonio.Trust me,I know.You didn't deserve that.So whatever you wanna do,I get it.If you wanna break up,it's probably for the best right?"I asked,my lip trembling.

"Fuck,Joel,I don't wanna break up with you.I love you.I want to understand."He looked into my eyes.

I nodded.

"Why did you hook up with him?"He asked.We sat on the floor,facing each other.

"You were gone.I was alone.And I wanted company.It wasn't supposed to be like that.I just wanted a friend.I thought he knew that.I didn't want to have sex with him.It wasn't even good,like at all.I just wanted it to be you so bad that I didn't even realize it until it was over."I sniffled,wiping away my tears.

Ugh I hate crying so much.

He leaned over and kissed my lips.I groaned.Fuck,he got me messed up.

I guess I was holding on too tight because he said,"J,let go please."

"I'm sorry."

"I wanted to tell you I was ready.I mean seriously.To make love to you or whatever but now I'm not so sure."Colin bit his nail.

"It's okay."I unconsciously pouted.

"I know I'm supposed to be mad at you but I'm not.Because deep down I saw it coming.Not because I thought you were unfaithful but because like I said who wants to love a guy who stutters?"He shrugged.

"But you don't stutter anymore."I replied,confused.

"Because of you.People make mistakes.And you were truthful enough to tell me so I appreciate that.Now come over here."

:)Do you think Colin made the right choice?

Xoxo Nia

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