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Colin's Pov
I miss her.I hate to admit it but it's true.

2 weeks.She hasn't studied with me in two weeks.I don't know what I did.Nothing I can recall.I swear I always treated her with respect.Why is she mad at me?

I hope she's not failing her classes.That would be pretty upsetting.

Its not like she's absent.Nope.She's here.Always.So why is she avoiding me?

I was on my way to my locker when I bumped into someone.

"Oh Colin.Sorry I gotta go."

I couldn't let her leave me.

I pulled her back until we were face to face."W-wait!"

"Colin son,if you don't let me go we gonna be late to class and I ain't gonna be the cause of that.So,if you don't mind."She tried to get out my grip.

I didn't budge.

"What the fuck are you?Iron man?"Joel tried to run away but I was not letting her go.

"G-g-give up?"I asked,looking at the empty hallway.

"No! I don't give up easily.Stop being strong!"

I laughed.

Joel panted."Okay I give up.What do you want white boy?"

I rolled my eyes."T-talk.W-w-why d-d-did y-y-you-"

"I dont think tutoring is helping."She shrugged.

That's a lie.

"N-n-no.B-b-be h-h-h-onest."

She looked at me,puzzled.

"Is your stuttering getting worse or am I just hearing things?"Joel switched the topic.

Well played but she's right.

Its getting worse.

I nodded.

"How?How can it get worse than that?That doctor guy is not doing his job like he needs to get fired or some shit."

I shook my head,smiling."H-h-he's n-n-n-not t-"

"I really don't give two shits about what you have to say to be honest but if that guy can't help then I'm as much of a teacher as anyone else."


"What I'm getting at is that I don't know maybe I can help you stop stuttering.Like is there a time when you stutter the least or sumthin?"

I looked at her."Y-y-you"

"You mean when your around me?"

I nodded.

"Okay.Look I'm sorry I've been distant lately.We'll meet up in Mr Bo's room.You help me.I'll help you.Got it?"

I nodded.


"Nahh look"She laughed.I watched as she pointed to the whiteboard.

"I never,c'mon repeat after me,I never."

"I-I-I- n-n-n-never."

This is never going to work.I can't speak.This is how its going to be for the rest of my life.

"Bruhhh,I can see you giving up already.We just started.One more time."

And the words didn't come any clearer.

I don't know how Joel is gonna help she not no proffesional but okay.

Xoxo nia

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