idk ur welcome enjoy

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I don't remember writing this but ur welcome

Joel's Pov

Ever since Colin got a job in his business department, I haven't seen him except at night.And by then he's already knocked before he walks through the door.I feel like I haven't talked to him in weeks.I miss him.And I miss ... Well,that's not important.It doesn't matter.If he doesn't want to then I won't bring it up.Usually,the bold part of me wants to confront him but I decided to leave it alone until he comes to me.

It was 6 pm when he came downstairs to watch tv with me.All we did was watch.He didn't speak to me and I could feel the tension and the awkwardness. I wanted to hold his hand but I didn't. I felt nervous.I was afraid he would reject me.

"So,how was work?"I whispered,reaching my hand in the bowl of chips.

"Great."He mumbled,chewing.

I rolled my eyes,getting up.

It continued to be like this for another week.I was about sick and tired of the silence and the distance.

The next morning,I watched him as he buttoned his shirt through the mirror.I hugged myself in the blankets.I felt hot but not because of the temperature in the room.

Colin saw me staring in the mirror and smirked.My heart skipped a beat.I clenched my thighs together.

I was biting my nails and he continued to get dressed.I blew out a soft breath.I knew this feeling was going to get worse once he passed by me to get the belt for his pants.

He stood in my vision,putting on his belt.I wasn't looking him in the eye.I had my attention on something else.

I licked my lips as he bent down to make eye contact.He caressed my cheek.I whimpered.

I panted as he came closer.

"I think I'm running late."He said.

Are you serious?Okay,that's it.

I stood up and pulled him by his belt.

"Jay"He chuckled,as his back hit the wall.

"What?How-why would you do this to me?Ive kept cool this whole time hoping you would make the first move to have a conversation with me but you didn't. I thought we were better than that.I thought you were."

I watched as his chest moved up and down. He moved a curl behind my ear.

"What?Why aren't you saying anything?"I asked,slapping his chest.

"I c-c-can't"He stuttered.Oh no.

"Are you nervous?Why?"

"I k-k-now how b-b-busy I've b-been and I was sc-sc-s-scared to talk to y-y-y-you about it.I knew that I haven't given you attention this past month and I'm so sorry."

I could feel myself getting even more hot when his breath hit my neck.Why am I getting turned on?

"You should never be scared to talk-to talk"I could feel the moisture between my legs as he lifted my chin up so he could look at me.

"You alright?"

I was lowkey having a panic attack when his hand started to unconciously go up my shirt.

"J-J-Jay?"He asked,pulling at my bra strap.I jumped.I raised my hand to my chest.I almost had a heart attack. Im a little jumpy.I can admit that.

"What's g-g-g-g-going on?I'm worried." Colin scrunched his eyebrows.

I couldn't breathe.I'm fucking panicking.

I tried to get out of his grip and walk away but he lifted me up and sat me on the dresser.Oh no.

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