Pytfall- blurb+ sneak peek

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Left alone to face the world on his own, Marcus must find a way to survive.. He must face memories and problems from the past while at the same time thinking about his future as well as Isa's.

But what happens when Flipsyde turns out to be more than he thought? Will he get sucked into the vortex of chaos that surrounds him, or can it possibly end with him pulling himself and Isa out of it?

--------------sneak peek starts here------------

As I walked out from the hospital, I noticed I was being followed.. Call me paranoid, but if you saw a guy in a black suit who looked like he was following you, I'm sure you'd be on edge as well.

I started to walk faster- moving through the buildings as fast as I could- trying to use the minimal rich crowd present in the streets to my advantage. As I turned corners, I could catch a vague glimpse of him- walking at around the same pace as me

This confirmed my suspicions.. He HAD been following me.. 

I weaved through the buildings quickly, suddenly breaking out into a sprint- so that I could put some distance between me and my pursuer. 

As soon as i felt I'd lost him, I took a turn into a side alley. It was a dead end.. If he found me, I'd have no choice but to go into hand to hand combat.. And that was the best case scenario.

I waited there for what seemed like hours- the thump of my heart reaching all the way up to my throat.

All sorts of questions flooded my mind. Why was this man chasing me? Who was he? 

I pushed them to the back of my mind as they would only distract me.

I looked at my watch.. I had waited for approximately 10 minutes. Was that enough? It probably was.. I got up and walked around the corner- somewhat casually- hoping to blend with the crowd..

But there was no crowd. 

It was me facing two men in black suits. I looked the other way. Two more men in black suits. There was nowhere to run. I stood there paralyzed- not knowing what to do-  as a black Cadillac turned the corner. What was all this about?

The Cadillac slowly moved forward- leisurely- as if feeding on my fear.

As it came to a stop beside me, the back door opened- giving me a view of its interior. Another man sat inside- wearing the same outfit as the rest, but from his expression I could tell he was calling the shots here.

He leaned over and said in a deep, firm voice- "Get in, the president wants to meet you"

------------ end of sneak peek------------

Woohoo :) we got the start over! Who are these guys? Are they lying? Or telling the truth? Is he really going to meet the president? If so, why would the president want to see him?

Do leave your guesses down below :)

Next update will be either on Friday or Saturday (I'm gonna try and put it up on Friday, but obg exam so no promises :(   )

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