The inspiration

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Hey guys :) I've been receiving a few requests to write about how I actually came to write Flipsyde.

It all started on a bus journey. I was coming back from Manipal (where I'm currently studying medicine) by bus, and naturally I couldn't sleep.

I have this thing I like to call bus insomnia (yes I make up words :P) where no matter what happens, I cannot fall asleep for more than a few minutes. I mean imagine a guy trying to give me a sleeping pill and kidnap me, and I wake up in 30  seconds. :P

So at about 12 am it was clear this wasn't gonna work out and that I was gonna be up till six, so I took on the challenge of writing a plotline mentally.

Initially, I had started off trying to make the world itself turn (instead of the flips and the switching between two halves) but that changed quickly when I realized how ridiculous the fight scenes would be. (You guys know exactly what I mean :D  )

Then I thought- "what if the world doesn't actually flip, but their lives did. Using that, I started to build my story around Marcus and Isa (but their character names weren't known till waaaay later)

I managed to work out 85 or so percent of the plotline that very trip, including the end- which I wanted to be somewhat bittersweet- her going into a coma and him realizing that she could be saved.

 But I had never actually planned to write this out until my friend Jacus (get it? First half of Jake+ last half of Marcus= Jacus- I didn't even notice till after we named the characters) told me to actually write it down. He provided me with almost all the names (Marcus was the name of the most adorable kid in my apartment complex, but beyond that? It was all him.) From Isa to Hans, all him. 

Well of course I can't tell any more without giving spoilers ;) so keep reading guys and maybe sometime when I get the chance, I'll add a vote of thanks (which will include you guys as well :)  )

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