Chapter 1

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This is what I imagine Alexandra to look like.


I awaken to the dungeon door opening and slamming shut. As I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, I pray that they're not coming to me. However, as always none of my prayers come true, and he stops right in front of my cell.

"Wake up you whore" He orders as he unlocks the cell door.

I wait in the same position, scared that he was going to beat me if I move when he didn't tell me to. It's one of his rules that I can't move or respond until he permits me to. He walks over to me and kicks me full force in the ribs. "I told you to wake up" he screams. I let out an inaudible whimper and struggle to get up.

"You're supposed to be upstairs making everyone breakfast, but are you? NO, you're over here being a lazy ass and sleeping." He screams.

"I'm s-sorry Alp-ha"

"Did you just speak! Who told you that you could open your big ass mouth!" He takes me by the throat and throws me across the cell making me slam by back into the silver bars. I hiss in agony while tears start to gather in my eyes. "You disobeyed two rules, and it's not even noon! You won't be able to walk for a week when I'm done with you!" He charges at me with his canines and claws extended. I attempt to dodge him, but he ends up catching me, clawing my whole back. I scream as I feel the tearing of my skin and collapse to the ground in pain. Noticing I was at a vulnerable point, he turns me around so I was lying on my back and punches me in the face repetitious times until there was blood emitting out of my nose, indicating that I now have a broken nose.

"Alpha, you have a conference call waiting." The Gamma, Gabe, abruptly appears in front of my cell door.

'When did he get there?'

"Can't you see I'm busy, make 'em wait." Alpha growls out.

"Don't you remember who the call is with, I don't think you'd want him to wait."

"Fine." The Alpha snaps while getting up, "I'll deal with you later" he points at me while walking out of my cell.

"Don't forget to do your chores or I'll make sure the punishment is worse," he asserts as they both walk out of the dungeon.

I slowly try to get up to do my chores but my legs gave out, and I fall flat on my face. I end up crawling out of my cell and into the corridor to use the wall as support since it's the only surface without silver down here. When I try to get up this time I was successful. Once I got control of my balance, I stumble out of the dungeon to do my chores.


*knock knock*

"What" I command.

The door opens revealing my Beta, James.

"I just received news from a couple of packs that I thought you should know."

"What is it?"

"They are all saying that the Redstone pack is abusing their pack members." He combs his fingers through his shaggy light brown, almost blonde hair.

"How bad?" I sigh, loathing that there's always something going on with the Alphas. I swear they are worse than teenage girls.

"They said that there's one girl that looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks and her clothes are so old that they barely are considered clothes anymore. They also state that she has multiple contusions all of her body. Apparently, the pack is using her to do everything like cleaning and cooking. They don't know what else they're doing to her. However, they're concerned that they are slowly killing her."

"Who told you?" I sigh once again and run my fingers through my dark brown hair pulling at the ends.

"Neighboring packs of Redstone that visited them recently."

"Ok, I'm supposed to have a conference call with Robert anyways, I'll inform him that we'll be visiting soon and we'll check his pack out ourselves."

"Yes Alpha," James bowed then showed himself out. Right after he shut the door, I pick up the phone to call Robert.

"This is Redstone pack house..."

"I need to speak with your Alpha."

"Yes, I'll go get him sir, would you mind telling who you are."

"Don't worry, he'll know"

"Umm... Ok, I'll put you on hold till he can answer, please wait."

I growl, 'who the hell does the person think I am, making me wait on hold.'

Well she doesn't know you're the Alpha King, you wouldn't give her your name, remember? My wolf said.

'Oh, shut up Max.'

Just trying to clear some water no need to get your panties in a twist.

I snarl mentally, 'would you shut up already, you're pissing me off.'

Now, where's the fun in th-- I block him out of my mind before he could proceed.

"Hello" I hear through the phone.

"Hello Robert, it took you long enough to answer the phone."

"Whom do you think you're talking to pup, I was in the middle of some Alpha business."

"Well, PUP, seeing how I'm your King and you're disrespecting me and you know how I don't like to be disrespected-" "Oh, I am so sorry, I had no idea it was you. I was about to call you for our conference, but I got caught up with something." He interrupted me in the middle of my sentence.

"Well, what was it?"

"What was what?"

"The business you got caught up in."

"Oh-h... you know teens... haha, they always manage to get into fights these days." I knew the second he started talking that he was lying.

"Yes, I see. Well, I planned our conference call for a reason though. Surrounding packs have been complaining about rogues coming into their territory, so I'm notifying you that some of my warriors and I will be paying a visit to your pack soon to help the border patrol stronger."

"Of course my King, do I get to know when and how many warriors, so we can have rooms prepared?"

"No" I place the phone back on the receiver.

I mindlink some of my warriors, "We're leaving to the Redstone pack, be in the foyer in an hour." I hear courses of 'yes Alpha's' before I block everyone out.

Hey guys! I know I haven't done anything to this story in over a year. The reason was that I was taking classes on writing and I wanted to wait until I had enough skills to re-write this story and make it ten times better than it was before.
So I'm going to start posting updated chapters. If the chapter says, '{Edited}' in the beginning then that means it's the new chapter.
Thank you to everyone who's still reading this book and have been waiting for me to update. It means a lot knowing all of you like my story.

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