Chapter 16

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It's the next day and we're back in my office and she's still playing on my phone, but this time instead of sitting on the couch she's laying down with a blanket over her.

*knock knock*

"Come in" The door open and James came in.

"King, I got him downstairs with his mate."

"Ok, Alexandria can you go into our room with James for a couple minutes... You can take my phone with you" She got up and walked out with James.

"Make sure she doesn't leave the room and stay outside the door... And get her brother up here" I mindlinked him as after they walk out.

A couple minutes later I heard more knocking on my door.

"Come in" A guy and girl walks in and I stand up.

"Hi, I'm Damon and this is my mate Cassandra" They walked up to the desk and he stuck his hand out.

"Matthew King, have a sit." We all sat down.

"So, my mate claims to be your sister and she wants to see you. I just have to ask a couple questions and then I'll have her come in"

"I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong guy, my father told me my sister died in a rogue attack 5 years ago."

"You're the only Damon in your pack, right"

"Correct, King"

"Thought so... What was her name?"

"Her name was Alexandria"

"Thought so... What happened to your parents?"

"My mom died giving birth to Lexi, my sister, and you took my Father and sent my pack to another Alpha."

"Wait, your father is Robert?"


"How old are you?"

"I'm going to be 18 in a month, sir"

"When you turn 18 I'll let you take your pack members and land back and become Alpha. You just need to answer my questions and hear me out."


"How old is Alexandra supposed to be now?"

"She was supposed to be 16 a couple weeks ago."

"When's her birthday?"

"May 2nd"

"I have some news to tell you... You're sister never died in a rogue attack, your Father just told you that because he didn't want you to hate him."

"What happened to her then"

"He disowned her and made her a pack slave... I found her when I checked up on your pack she was severely injured and looked like she hadn't eaten in months. And since she's not in contact with her wolf due to the abuse she's healing as if she's a normal human"

"That can't be possible, my Father wouldn't do that to her"

"Can you bring Alexandria into my office please"

The door opened and Alexandria and James walked in.

Damon got up and turned around.



Sorry if this chapter is short I wrote really quick for you guys.

My finals are coming up so I won't have a lot of free time until school ends. So updates are going to take longer.

School is over in 2 weeks.

As soon as summer starts I'll have soo much free time because i'm going to be on bed rest because I'm getting surgery on my foot, so there will be a lot of updates then.

Thank you for reading my story

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