Chapter 21

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I opened my eyes and saw that Alexandria was gone.

I growled and jumped out of bed storming out of our room.

I went into the kitchen and saw Damon, Cassandra, and Alexandria eating at table.

Cassandra and Alexandria was talking and giggling and Damon was glaring at them.

I walked to Alexandria and picked her up off of her chair and sat on it while placing her in my lap.

"You could've at least put on a shirt before coming out." Damon looked at me disgusted.

"My castle, my rules" I smirked.

He gave me a dirty look before going back to eating.

"What got your panties in a twist."

"I punished him to no 'fun' for a week" Cassandra giggled.

"Oh come on a week. Look at me I have to wait much longer"

Damon looked up and raised his eyebrow.

"I doubt she knows what fun is and even if she does I have to wait until she trust me and wants it." I complained while putting my head on Alexandria's shoulder.

"If you wait till then you'll probably have to wait for years." Damon chuckled.

"I'd wait forever for her."

"Aww that's soo cute. Why don't you talk about me like that." Cassandra complains and hits Damon.

"Ow seriously, do you have to hit me every two seconds"

"Now no 'fun' for two weeks" she crossed her arms.

"What why" he exasperatedly yelled.

"Cause you're mean to me" she pouted.

"B..but.... ah whatever"

"What's 'fun'" Alexandria whispered to herself.

"You don't need to worry about that for a while cause the only person that will have 'fun' with you is me and we're not going to until I know you're ready" I whispered in her ear.

She nodded her head in response.

"What did you eat for breakfast"

"I made her eggs and bacon" Cassandra said proudly.

"You want to come to my office and play on my phone?"

She nodded her head and stood up. I put in my passcode and handed her my phone,"Meet me there. I have to get changed."

"Finally" Damon smiled and clapped.

I gave him a dirty look and walked to our bedroom putting on a t-shirt and jeans.

I walked into my office and Alexandria was laying on the couch playing on my phone.

'Is she not talking because she's doesn't know how to?' Max randomly asked.

'I don't know.'

'Well here's an to her.'

I rolled my chair over to the couch and sat down.

"Hey, last night I told you that we were going to talk, but that ended up not happening. Do you want to talk now."

She shrugged.

"You know why I was doing that to your father, right?"

She looked down and nodded.

"He hurt you in multiple ways. I was just giving the same amount of pain he gave to you.... I didn't know it would upset you."

She ignored me and kept playing on my phone.

"Look at me please" I begged.

She immediately looked up and for the first time I got to look into her eyes.

"I won't let anyone get away with hurting you, better yet I won't let anyone hurt you. I will protect you. If they want you they'll have to go through me, okay?"

She nodded.

"You're my number one priority, nothing comes before you" I said as I placed a hand on her cheek.

"I'm going to work now" I whispered as I got up and sat at my desk.

It's around noon and I looked up and saw Alexandria asleep on the couch with my phone in her hand. I get up and walk over to her. I grab the blanket that's hanging off the back of the couch and lay it on her.

I turn to head back to my desk and I hear fumbling. I turn around to face her again and she is still in the same position but the blanket I put on her is down by her feet.

'I guess she doesn't want the blanket'

'Obviously Max'

I go back over and try to put the blanket back on her but she fights me unconsciously.

'Why is she making a big fuss over the blanket.... She's always freezing.'

'Try feeling her head. That's how humans see if someone is sick.'

I put my hand on her head and feel her head burning up.

I walked into the living room to see Damon and Cassandra cuddling watching a movie.

"Uhh.... Guys" They looked up at me waiting for me to continue.

"Alexandria is burning up"

They both jumped up and run into my office.

I was right behind them and I see Cassandra feel her head as I did a couple minutes ago.

"How long has she been like this?" Cassandra turned to look at me.

"I don't know I looked up and saw her sleeping and so I tried to put a blanket on her and she started kicking it off."

"Do you feel anything?"

"Why would I be feeling anything, she's the one that's sick."

"She's not sick, per say."

"Then what's wrong with her?"


I looked at her like she had three heads.

"Smell" she said louder this time.

I took a deep breath and then I realized what was happening.

"Oh shit" I whispered.




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