Chapter 20

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Cassandra's looking through one of the racks. I don't know why we're in here, it has clothes that show everything. I just want to go and sleep.
"Cassandra can we leave" I whispered.
"Nope... We have to get your some bras and underwear, and while we're doing that might as well by you some lingeries to keep King happy."
"What?.... Who's King"
"Wow you really are innocent... Don't worry though King will change that, oh and King is that hottie of a guy that you have wrapped around your pinkie finger so tight, that it's cutting off your circulation." She giggled while shoving me in one of the little room and handing me stuff.
"You mean Matt?" I asked as she shut the door.
"Aww you guys are on first name basis."
"What do you mean?"
"What do you know about mates?" She randomly asked.
"Alpha said that my mate will rejected me as soon as he sees me" I whimper.
"And you believed him," she laughed, "He was wrong Lexi, your mate will never reject you. I mean he already loves you more than anything and you guys barely known each other for a month." She snorted.
"I've met my mate?"
"Yes, it's the guy we were just talking about"
"Matt?" I ask opening the door and handing her the ones that didn't fit me.
"Yes Alexandria, you finally caught on" she laughed while dragging me to the register with the clothes that fit.
"Look I wasn't supposed to tell you... They were scared that it would scare you even more than you already are. But I don't agree with that... I think that it'll help you... Because now you know for sure that he'll never hurt you because of who he his to you.... Now you know nothing, ok?" She warned me while we started walking out of the store.
I nodded my head and saw the guys leaning on the railings, James and Damon we laughing and talking, and Matt was standing there with his arms crossed watching me as we walked over to them.
"Are you done now?" James asked Cassandra.
"Yup, Alexandria got everything she needs" She smirked and tossed the bag to Matt.

When we got home Matt made me eat and right after I said I was full, Cassandra dragged me to the room I'm sleeping in and put my clothes away.
She left a set out with a towel telling me to take a shower, so that's what I did.
I put my clothes on and walk out the the bathroom to see Matt laying on the bed, one hand behind his head and the other with the box that he let's me play games on.
As soon as I opened the door he sat up and put the box in his pocket.
"Hi sweetie, I thought I could brush your hair?" He smiled at me.
I looked at the clock and saw it was later than I ever have been awake and looked back at him.
'I going to feel really bad if I just lay down and sleep' I sighed in my head.
So I just sat down on the edge of the bed next to him.
He got up for a second before he climbed on the bed sitting down right behind me with his legs right next to mine.
He brushed my hair starting from the bottom, which is weird to me... But to be honest I never really brush my hair before so I don't know how to do it.
After a couple minutes he got up putting the brush back and walked back to me and kneeled in front of me.
"Go to sleep, it's late and you've done a lot of walking today that you're not used to, you must be exhausted.... I'll be next door in my office if you need me, ok?" He put his hand on my cheek looking straight into my eyes.
I nodded and layed down.
He stood up and leaned over me putting the blanket on me and then kissed my head.
"Goodnight" he whispered and walked away.
'I wonder if he's going to come back like he usually does' I thought
'What am I thinking, as soon as he finds out I know he's probably going to rejected my just like Alpha said... He probably is only being nice because he feels bad... This will be over soon, I'll be back to my Alpha and he's going to hurt me for the rest of my life' I whimper.
As I'm falling asleep I am dreaming of different scenarios on how Matt is going to reject me.

After I tucked Alexandria in bed I went to my office to do paper work. As soon as I sat down, I felt someone trying to mindlink me.
What I said to them.
Robert wants to talk to you again, and I figured your mate would be sleeping right now so you can come down.
I'll be there in a little bit.
I got up and walked down the stairs to the door for that leads to the basement. I walk down the stairs and then go into the elevator that's at the end of the hallway. I press button '3' for level 3.
There are 3 different levels for the dungeons. Level 1 is for the children and women when we first capture them and we don't know if there a threat or not. Level 2 is for all of the men, 16 and older. We separate the women and kids with the men because the kids and women aren't as much of a threat as the men. Lastly, Level 3 is the torture chambers where the people that we want to punish go.
Robert is in Level 3 because he at least deserves to be treated like he treated my mate or worse.
"Is he ready?" I asked as I walked out of the elevator and down the hallway until I saw my Gamma, Adam.
"All set, King" he said as he bowed his head in submission and stepped to the side so I can enter the cage Robert is being held in.
I opened the door and I saw Robert standing there his hands tied to the ceiling in silver chains and his feet were hanging about a foot off the ground. His body was covered in dried up blood from Adam and the guards.
"Wakey wakey" I said in a menacing voice while kicking him.
He groaned and opened his eyes a crack.
"King... you finally decided to make an appearance." he mumbled.
"I've been busy coming up with ways on how to torture you to death."
He laughed,"What is my crime might I ask"
"You abused and starved your pack members which is a crime punished for death. But not only did you just abused pack members, you abused your future Queen."
"Ahh, so you found your mate... congrats"
"Ohh by the way, your son is here, I told him everything that you did to his favorite baby sister." I chuckled as I walked to the wall where all of the torture devices are, "I also handed over your pack to him, so you're no longer an Alpha."
"WHAT! HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO FIND OUT ABOUT HER!" He pulled on his chains and hissed.
"I knew I should've killed her when I had the chance" he whispered.
I quickly grabbed the silver knife soaked in wolfsbane and turned around stabbing him in his stomach while snarling at him.
He screamed and I twisted the knife causing him to scream even louder.
"Never speak of her again" I growled at him as I pulled out the knife.
"Ohh you are soo protective of that runt, does she happen to be your oh so perfect mate." He laughed evilly.
I grabbed the silver flail soaked in wolfsbane and swung it at him hitting his abdomen as I heard the door open.
Figuring it was Adam I pulled out the flail and went for another swing when I heard a whimper.
I turned around and saw Alexandria crying while hugging herself.
"Alex" I said quietly and she looked at my feet.
I put the flail back and walked to her kneeling down in front of her.
"What are you doing here, you're supposed to be sleeping." I said quiet enough so Robert couldn't hear.
"Alexandria.... remember what I told you.... It's true" Robert whispered and she whimpered.
"Shut up" I yelled as I turned around to look at him and she whimpered even louder.
"Come on let's go outside and talk"
I stood up and wrapped my arm around her.
She walked out with me and I shut the door.
"Just stay right here for a second" I say softly to her and went up to Adam.
"You know what to do" I said lowly so she doesn't hear.
"Yes King"
"Good make it worst today and do it more frequently."
"Yes King"
"And I'll deal with you later for letting her in" I growled.
"Yes King" he bowed his head
I turned back to Alexandria and walked her back to our room.
I tucked her back in," I'm going to be in my office if you need anything"
She ignored me looking at the ceiling.
I sighed and got up walking towards the door. I heard a whimper as I opened the door and turned around to see Alexandria looking at my feet while crying.
"I'm not going back to him, I'm going next door"
I started to walk again only to hear her whimper louder.
"Fine I'll stay" I shut the door and took off my shirt and jeans as I walked to the bed climbing in.
I turned and grabbed her so I can cuddle with her.
She was staring at the ceiling frozen.
"I'm not going anywhere, go to sleep" I whispered.
She just blinked.
"Shut your eyes"
Her eyes fluttered closed and within five minutes she was fast asleep.
I cuddled more into her and soon fell asleep too.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I promise I'm going to get back to my schedule of posting once a week.
My surgery went well and so far I recovered perfectly. Thank you to those who commented.
Thank you for reading my book.

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