Chapter 22

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King Matt went on a run to get away from Alexandria.

He knew she wasn't ready to mate yet, so we all agreed to keep them separate until her heat is gone.

Damon picked up Alexandria while I pour ice into the tub.

He placed her into the tub and the ice evidently melted into water.

Since the faucet of the tub is by her feet. I turned it on cold and pulled the drain a little bit, so some water will drain as the new water came in.

I sent Damon to go get some of King Matt's clothes so when I change her she'll have his scent around her and it will ease the heat a little.

"Here's a t-shirt and one of his boxers. How is Lexi doing?"

"Thanks.... I don't know how she's peacefully sleeping through all of this. Heat hurts like a bitch, and she's acting like it doesn't even phase her."

"She did get abused for years Damon. I'm pretty sure she's used to pain by now."

"True... how long are we going to keep her in there?"

"Not too long her immune system is still really weak and I don't want her to get sick."

Alexandria ended up waking up as we were trying to get her out of the bath and I helped her get changed as Damon set up Netflix in her and the King's room.

I keep led asking her if she was ok, but she's acting as nothing is happening.
Right now I'm putting some of my homemade mac and cheese on two plates plate and put it on the table and one on the tray. I grab the tray and turn around to see Alexandria eating Damon plate.

"Oh. I was going to bring your dinner to you so you can eat in bed."

She stopped eating it and looked up at me.

"Don't worry it doesn't matter."

I made another plate and put the plate from the tray on the table.

"Damon. dinner"


Damon walks in and kisses me on the forehead then goes to Alexandria and kisses her on the forehead then he goes and sits in his seat to eat.

"Do Lexi how are you feeling?" Damon asks while shoveling food in his mouth.

"Ok" she whispered.

"Do you want to take another ice bath?" I asked her.

She shook her head and stood up.

"I clean it go get some rest" I told her.

She nodded her head and headed out of the kitchen.

"She's in pain" Damon whispered upset.

"I know"

"I'm going to go talk to King to see what we can do besides letting her suffer."


He got up and left the suite. While I got up and started cleaning.


I'm going to try to update a little more than I've been.
I've been writing more since it's my excuse to not do homework haha.

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