Chapter 25

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'I hear the beeping again, why is it so annoying.'

I try to open my eyes to turn off the beeping, but when I did all I saw was light.

Once my eyes adjusted to the light I looked around and saw I was in the same room as I was when I got here. I push myself up into a sitting position. I looked up and saw the machine beeping like before.

'What am doing here--?'

The door opened and Cassandra walked in and shut the door trying to be quiet. She turned around and jumped as she saw me staring at her.

"You scared me." She laughed.

I looked at her confused.

"How do you feel?" She said walking towards me.

I ignore her and look around the room.

'What am I doing here?'

I go to stand up, but Cassandra runs over to me to push me back onto the bed.

She sits on the chair next to the bed.

"You need to rest. Matt will be here soon to take you home."

I listened to her and laid down.

'I don't feel pain anymore. Maybe they were done with torturing me and didn't give me more silver.'

The door opened and Matt walked in.

He smiled when he saw I was awake.

"How are you feeling?" He said as he was walking towards my bed.

I just shrugged.

"The doctor said you were allowed to go home once you wake up."

'Doctor? Why did they take me to the doctor if they wanted to torture me.'

"I was thinking that on the way home we could stop and get some food." He said as he took off the wires on my arms and helped me up.

He handed me a really big shirt that was open in the middle and gave me pants.

"It's a little cold out, so I brought you a coat to keep you warm." He said as he helped me put them both on.

He pulled a stringy thing and the middle of the shirt wasn't open anymore.

We walked out of the building and he put me into a machine, I think it's called a car.

He put a belt around me and then shut the door. I watched him walk to the other side and he got in and did the same thing. He put a metal thing into a hole and then the car started moving.

I looked and watch the woods slowly start to disappear as more buildings started to show up. We kept going and more building were showing up and they were closer together. He turned into another road that had a lot of other machines that were not moving. He went in between two of them and then took the metal out of the hole. He got out and came to my side to help me get out.

"Are you hungry now?" He looked at me after he shut the door. I shook my head.

"You're never hungry, are you?" He smiled

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Come on, you haven't eaten in about a week." He held out his hand to help me out of the car.

I grabbed his hand and slid out of the car. He shut the door and started walking to a building. I tried to get my hand back, but he wouldn't let it go.

He opened the door to the building and had me go in first. We walked up to a guy and he bowed his head and led us through the place till we get to a table.

Matt pulled a chair back and sat me in it, then pushed it back in. He went to the other side of the table and sat down too.

The guy handed us a folder with a lot of words on it and then asked us what we wanted to drink.

"A bottle of beer and a glass of grape soda." Matt said to the waiter not minding to look at him.

"Yes Sir" the guy said and walked away.

Matt looked up from the folder and looked at me, "Do you want your favorite?"

I nodded my head enthusiastically.

He smiled and looked back at the folder.

After a couple of minutes, the guy came back with our drinks, and Matt told him what we wanted to eat. After he wrote it down he took the folders and walked away again.

I looked at Matt and he was staring at me. I looked down at my hands and started to pick at my nails.

"The food will be here in a little bit. Do you want to go to the bathroom before it comes?"

I stood up and he stood up with me and held out his hand. I ignored it and started to walk in a random direction. I heard Matt chuckle then grab my hand.

"The bathrooms are this way" he said as he pulled me the opposite direction of where I was going.

He walked to a hallway that has two doors he opened one and smelled the air. He then moved out the way and held the door open for me.

I walked in and I heard the door shut. I turned around and Matt wasn't there. I ran to the door and opened it.

Matt looked up from his phone when he heard the door open.

"What's wrong?"

I whimpered and looked down.

He walks toward me and opens the door even more so he can go through. The door shuts afterwards and he leans against it.

"Go to the bathroom. I won't move." He says looking back onto his phone.

I walk to the stall and do my business. I flush the toilet and then wash my hands.

Matt hands me some paper towels and I wipe my hands.

He walks to the door and holds it open. I walk through and we walk back to our seats. When we get to the table our food is there and the guy is standing there waiting for us with his head down.

After Matt and I sat down the guy walks away.

"Eat Alex" he says as he picks up his fork and knife.

I freeze and watch his hand with the knife.

'Is he going to hurt me with it?'

Matt takes the knife to his steak and then cuts it. He looks up at me and he notices what I'm looking at.

"I'm never going to hurt you. I'm just using it to cut up the steak so I can eat it. Nothing else, ok?"

I look down and nod my head.

"Eat now"

I slowly pick up my fork and pick up a noodle. After I ate the piece and Matt started to eat again.

After I was full the guy came back and put our food in a container.

Matt took them and grab my hand. We walked back to the car and Matt put me in my seat. He put the belt around me again. He sat in his seat and started the car. He put the food on the tray that was in between us and then turned a knob next to all the buttons.

He then started to drive. I watched out the window again and saw how the trees started to come back.

My eyes started to close as I was watching the trees pass by us quickly.


I didn't edit anything yet. I posted this as soon as I finished.
I'm sorry I took forever, the next one will come sooner.
I'm getting better at writing longer chapters for you guys too.
This chapter is almost 1300 words and at the rate I'm going with the next chapter it'll be even longer than this one.
Thank you guys for your support.

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