Chapter 5

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I'm sitting on the chair that's next to her bed as I scan over my emails on my phone. The doctor finished taking her off the machines a while ago and ever since I've been waiting for her to awaken. After about an hour she begins to stir. I place my phone in my pocket and rise. I step to the side of her bed, and she opens her eyes staring up at me.

"Hey sweetie, I've been waiting for you to wake up. The doctor said you can leave here." I smiled at her. She glances around the room and then back up at me. I notice apprehension in her eyes.

"It'll be the same as here except you'll have a more comfortable bed, and you'll get to roam wherever you want," I say as I hold out my hand to her. She looks at my hand and ignores it, and she rises to get up by herself. When she stands up, she begins to lose balance but ends up catching herself.

"Do you wanna walk or do you want me to carry you?" She ignores me again and shuffles to the door. I follow her and open the door for her. I start to walk ahead of her because she doesn't know where she's going.

I head towards the pack house. The pack hospital is about a mile away from the castle, so for a wolf, it isn't long. But because my mate is so malnourished, she is weaker than a human. Due to this, she starts to slow down not even halfway there, clearly growing tired. She's trying to not show it, but it's obvious. It becomes so bad that she loses her balance and if it weren't for me catching her, she would've fell face first. Instead of standing her back on her feet, I just lift her up in my arms and carry her. She apparently doesn't approve because she lets out a yelp and squirms, attempting to get out of my arms.

"You've walked enough today, and you're tired just let me carry you, we're almost there." She stops struggling, and I start to walk again. After about another ten minutes we reach the pack house, and I head straight towards the stairs to go to our suite.

"I'm taking you to get a bath and change your clothes. Then when that's all done, we can go to the kitchen to have a snack." I explain to her as I step into our suite. I set her down on her feet and walk into our room and to the conjoining bathroom to fill the tub.

"Bring me some small girl clothes for my mate, we're in my suite."

"Yes King" James replied.

I shuffle back into the living room to see my mate in the same position I left her in.

"Come on babe, the bath is ready." I turn and head towards the bathroom, and I hear her little footsteps behind me, indicating that she's following.

"You know how to wash yourself right?" I ask after I show her all the different soaps. She turns her head and stares up at me with a blank expression on her face.

"Here I'll help you ok?" She turns back toward the tub.

I step over to her, "first you have to take off your clothes because they're dirty." I say as I take off her shirt and pants that are ripped and torn everywhere.

"Step into the tub" I hold my hand out for her just in case she loses balance as she steps in. "Now sit down in the water." She does as she's told and just stares at the wall in front of her.

"Alpha I got the clothes."

"I'm in the bathroom. Just leave them on my bed."

"Yes King"

"Ok sweetie I'm going to wash your hair now." I grab a plastic cup and put some water in it.

"Look up." She lifts her head up to look at the ceiling, and I place my hand on her forehead to prevent water from getting into her eyes. I empty the cup on her hair, and she flinches at the sudden contact.

The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now