Chapter 18

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I woke up and felt weight on my chest. I opened my eyes to see Alexandria sprawled out on top of me passed out. I didn't want her to wake up so I just laid there and watched her.

She ended up waking up a little bit after me, unfortunately. I hoped she would've stayed asleep a little bit longer so I could reminisce her being so close to me without having a panic attack. When she did wake up I shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep because I didn't want to freak her out by staring at her as soon as she opened her eyes. She was all calm until she realized I was underneath her because I heard her heartbeat quicken and she tried to get out of my hold.

"Alexandria don't get up yet, I wanna cuddle" I mumbled acting half asleep.

I felt her freeze and heard a whimper. I moved us so she was on my side and I was spooning her. She still laid there frozen.

After a couple minutes of enjoying being this intimate with her she started to try to get out of my arms again, probably assuming I fell back to sleep.

"Alexxxx" I whined.

She froze and whimpered again.

I groaned and released her as I got out of bed. I stretched and went to my dresser getting jeans and a shirt. I put on my clothes. I turned around and saw her sitting up staring at the wall. I sighed and went into my dresser again and got another shirt.

"Put this on and then we'll go get breakfast" I handed her my shirt and went to the bathroom.

When I walked back out she wasn't in the room anymore.

I went into the kitchen to see Damon and Cassandra cooking while my mate sat at the breakfast counter watching them.

I went to the coffee machine and made myself a cup and then I sat next to Alexandria.

After they finished cooking we went into the dining room and started eating. After I finished and everyone else was still eating I cleared my throat. Damon and Cassandra looked up at me and Alexandria stopped eating.

"I was thinking today we could all go out to the mall because Alexandria needs clothes and I'll need Cassandra there to help because I know nothing about girls" They both agree instantly while Alexandra just remained still.

"Keep eating sweetie" I whispered to her and she immediately obeyed.
I got up and put my plate in the sink. I then walked out of the Alpha's suite. I went to James's room and knocked on the door.

I heard a groan and then some shuffling before the door opened.

"Hey King" James said yawning.

"Be ready in a half an hour.

"For what"

"I'm taking Alexandria shopping."



I just got home from my surgery I'll try to write as much as I can as I am in bed rest. Thank you guys for not posting rude comments to update.
I love you guys

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