Chapter 6

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It is now close to midnight and I have stayed in my office the whole time. Of course checking on my Mate once in awhile. I had double the amount of paperwork than usual because I have been slacking off to spend time with her. I get up from my desk and go into our bedroom.

Hmmm... I like that... Ours. My wolf purrs.

I ignore him, strip down into my boxers and climb into bed. I grabbed her by the waist and pull her into me so I can cuddle with her. Speaking of my mate, I don't even know her name.

'I can't connect with her wolf either to find out. I feel her there, but there's like some type of barrier blocking me.' Max whimpers.

'Well she did keep asking about silver maybe she has too much in her system and that's what's stopping it? I'll talk to the doctor tomorrow.'

'Something's wrong with mate.' Max suddenly whimpers. I opened my eyes and looked down at her to see her whimpering and crying. She's having a nightmare. I jump up hovering over her, "Sweetie! Come on, wake up! It's just a bad dream." I lightly shake her. She jumps awake and I immediately pull her into my embrace as she starts to sob into my chest.

"You're ok baby, I'm right here, you're safe with me...Everything's ok" I whisper to her until she slowly stops to cry. Once she has calmed down she tries to get out of my arms. I let her go and she crawls back under the covers putting herself into a little ball in the far corner of the bed. I sit there watching her for a few moments just in case. When I lay back down I roll over to her and pull her on top of me. She starts to whimper trying to get out of my hold, but I just tighten my grip.

"Just relax and close your eyes," I whisper into her ear. She yelps and tries to jump away. "It'll stop the bad dreams from coming back, I promise," I start to play with her hair. Eventually she relaxes and falls asleep. I laid her back on the bed beside me and cuddle into her. "Good night my little Mate." I kiss her forehead and smile, drifting off to sleep.

I wake up the next morning to movement on my side. I peek open one eye and see my mate trying to get out of my hold. I groan and roll over closer to her trying to cuddle into her more. She tenses, but I ignore it, pretending to be asleep. After a couple minutes of her sitting there, she tries to get out again.

"I wanna cuddle" I whine. She whimpers in response.

"Ok, fine, I'm getting up" I groan and go into the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done I put on a towel and go into my closet to change. When I go back into the bedroom I see her sitting on the bed in the same spot I left her and she's staring in forward with a blank expression. And when I sit down in front of her, she puts her head down.

"I wanna ask you a couple simple questions if that's ok?" She ignores me like normal. I don't know if she's ok with me asking her for her name or not, so I ask assuming acting the same isn't a no.

"Do you know your name?" I hear her heart started beating faster.

"I just want to have a name to call you by." She looks up at me scared.

"I don't want to keep calling you 'sweetie' and 'baby', not that I mind it, please tell me." She opens her mouth and then after a couple of seconds she closes it back shut.

"You can ask me a question if you want too." She looks up at me in shock and just stares at me for a minute, like she doesn't know if I'm telling the truth or lying. I see the wheels turning in her head.

Eventually her curious side won, "... Where's Alpha," she whispers hesitantly, I hold in a growl, "Somewhere far away," she looks down at her hands and begins to pick with her fingers "... Can I see him" she whispers.

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