Chapter 2

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I am finishing sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor when the Alpha strolls in, and I grow incredibly nervous because I thought he was going to finish my punishment from earlier.

"The Alpha King is coming; I don't know why, I don't know when, but I expect you to clean your best until then and never leave your room unless you are to clean. When he comes you better be in your cell, understood?"

'So basically normal.'

"Yes Alpha" I bow my head submissively. He gives me a nasty look and then turns around, walking out of the kitchen. I lean against the counter slowly releasing out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

It's several days later, and I am in the midst of scrubbing the dishes from the pack's supper when I hear a couple of teenagers come squealing into the kitchen.

"OMG, he's sooo hot!!" One screeches.

"Do you think he's here to find his mate?"

"OMG one of us could be queen!!"

I stop eavesdropping on the girls and realize that they're talking about the Alpha King. I complete washing and putting away all the dishes as promptly as I possibly can, knowing that the Alpha will kill me if he notices I'm not in my cell. I hurriedly scramble out of the kitchen and into the corridor that leads to the dungeon, but of course, I have to knock into someone.

"What are you doing up here. I told I wanted you to be in your cell when he gets here." He states through gritted teeth.

"S-sorry Alpha-a I did-dn't k-know he was here till now. I-I was on my way-y."

"Sorry doesn't cut it whore." He grabs me by the neck and throws me against the wall while strengthening his grip causing me to gag.

"I advise you put her down right now if you know what's good for you" I overhear a voice say from a distance. I can't look to see whom the voice belongs to because black dots start appearing in my vision indicating I was running out of air. The Alpha ignores whoever that was and sustains his hold on my neck. I can feel myself slowly starting to pass out from the lack of oxygen, and I think the voice recognizes it too because he starts to snarl so powerfully that the ground begins to quake. Within seconds, the Alpha lets go of my throat, and I end up dropping to the floor coughing.

I look over to see dozens of guys restraining my father and someone from a far distance running to me. Suddenly, feeling very fatigued, my eyes gradually shut and I fall asleep.


My Warriors and I crossed the pack boundaries about ten minutes ago.

Some pack they are. Nobody stopped us when we crossed.

'I know. I don't understand why everyone else is having a rogue problem, and they are saying they don't when they don't have actual patrols.'

We start up the porch stairs to the Redstone pack house when the door abruptly opens.

"Hello my King, it's a pleasure to see you again." Robert beams opening the door wider so all of us can walk in. I start to look around to see any signs of anyone being abused, but everyone seems to be perfectly healthy so far.

"If you would like you could stay here while I go get something from the kitchen before going to my office. Is there anything you'd like?"


"Ok, well I'll be right back, and then we'll go." He replies to me before wandering out of the room.

"Stay here I'm going to follow him" I mind link my warriors as I start to go to the door he just went through. As soon as I open the door, I get slapped with a vanilla and lavender scent.

'What the hell is going on?'

Follow the scent!!

'Ok damn.'

I listen to Max and end up in a hall that leads to, I believe, the kitchen. I look up to see something that made me nearly lose control of my wolf. Robert had a girl that was skin and bones in a choke hold up against the wall.

"I advise you put her down if you know what's good for you." He just ignores me. Who does he think he is? Nobody ever ignores me. I snarl at Robert to get him to submit, which once again he disregards. What the hell? Within seconds my warriors run up behind me, probably hearing my roar.

"Get him off of her now she's passing out" Immediately, they all run and tackle him to the ground causing the girl to drop too. I hastily run to her, picking her up and cradling her in my arms.

Mate!! Mate!! Mate hurt! Help Mate!!!

'That's what I was smelling.'

No shit! Hurry up! Get mate to doctor fast!

'Ok. I'm going.'

"Bring him to our dungeon and grab any of the pack members that look like they have been abused and take them to our pack doctor," I order as I stand up with my mate in my arms. I hear everyone mind link back, 'yes Alpha' as I run out to the car, bringing her to my pack hospital.

Here's the new version of this chapter. I'm trying to get these up as quickly as I can, so please bare with me if some things are off.
Thank you!😊
~ Violet

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