Chapter 3

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"I NEED THE PACK DOCTOR NOW!" I shout as I storm into my pack's hospital. I run into the nearest vacant room and lay my mate down on the bed.

"Alpha what's the issue?" The doctor comes rushing in.

"My mate, she's hurt. She was being strangled and ended up passing out. I don't know what she went through before that."

"Ok, can you please step out for a moment."

"Why" I grit my teeth.

"I have to most likely take her blood and put her on lots of machines, and your wolf won't like it."

"If anything goes wrong you're dead."

"Of course Alpha" He bows his head.

"What packs told you about Redstone." I mind link James as I sat down on one of the hard chairs in the waiting room.

"Blue Moon, Alpha" He responded almost immediately.

"Call up Carlos and tell him we're giving Redstone's land and members to him since Roberts gone now."

"I'm on it Alpha."

After about 20 minutes of waiting the doctor finally walks into the waiting room

"What's wrong with her." I jump up immediately.

"Is there a chance your wolf will take over."

"No, now tell me" I growl.

"Well, I won't be entirely sure on how she's going to be when she awakens first of all. From what I learned based on her physical appearance is she's been getting abused for a while now. Also, she's extremely underweight. So when she first wakes up our main priorities are gaining her trust and feeding her. Now both of these won't be simple, she'll be very timid since probably no one paid much attention to her and when they did they abused her, so she's going to believe that we're going to hurt her.

"Due to her weight I can assume that she's probably used to eating practically nothing, so she's barely going to eat anything until we build up her stomach and get her used to eating.

"Also, her current injuries are serious mainly since she's not in contact with her wolf, so she's healing as a normal human right now. I would be cautious of her nose and most importantly her back. Her nose is broken, and her back was burned with silver and torn up.

"Now I know usually Alpha Kings immediately announce their queen, but I strongly advise you wait until she is healthy and feels safe. Putting her into that position right away will have negative benefits. I recommend you keep her far away from it until she's ready."

"I wasn't even thinking about the position yet. I just met her and she passed out on me. The only thing that's running through my mind is making sure she's all right. So can you move out of the way so I can go see her?"

"Yes, Alpha. She should be waking up soon, just be careful she's going to be petrified of you."

"I know. Do you have an approximated time when she can leave."

"No, I won't know until she awakens" He turns around and walks away into a different room probably seeing another patient.

I walk down the hall to her room and open the door. I step in and take the seat that's in the corner and move it next to her bed. I sit in it while I wait for my mate to wake up and I start conjuring up a plan to torture Robert to death for laying a hand on my Mate.


All I can see is black and the only thing I can hear is a steady beeping. Which is slightly irritating if you ask me. I wish it can just stop already. I attempt to open my eyes to see where the noise was coming from, but it feels like my eyes are glued shut.

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