Chapter 9

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James is in the media^^


The scary guy just left and I stayed still watching the door waiting for anyone to come in and hurt me.

'Speaking of that, why hasn't he hurt me yet? Why did he give me food and water that didn't have silver in it? Is he waiting till I get out of this place?'

I started to whimper getting scared because he looked a lot stronger than my Da-Alpha, which meant the beatings are going to be worse.

I pulled my knees to my chest and put my head down as I rocked myself whimpering.

The more I did this the more scared I got and I started to cry too.

I suddenly felt arms go around me and I tensed.

"Sweetie, it's just me ok. Just relax, I'm right here."

I tried to get out of his arms because he might hurt me, but he was too strong. So I whimpered. After that I think he got the hint and let go of me.

"Look you have to get some rest ok? Lay down and close your eyes I'll be right here when you wake up."

I looked in front of me and just sat there frozen, if I responded he might hit me like Alpha used to.

The scary dude grabbed my arms and laid me down. I shook my head no and started to cry.

"Just close your eyes sweetie."

I looked up at him while crying and he looked upset. 'Why was he sad?'

He took one of his hands from my arms and put it over my eyes causing me to close them. I tried to get his hand off but he was too strong.

"I'll take my hand off as soon as you sleep."

I started to thrash around and cry until I started to fall asleep. 'No, I don't want to fall asleep.' I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I don't want to sleep' I kept repeating in my head until I eventually drifted off.


This week is spring break, so I have more time to write. 😊

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