Chapter 23

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I'm heading upstairs to see Alex right now. I had Damon inject me with some silver so my wolf will be weaker.

I walk into the room and see her curled up in fetal position on the bed.

I walk her to her and lightly shake her shoulder.

She whines and stretches. She opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

Like always she doesn't say a word, but instead she pouts.

"Here I know what will help it."

I take off my shirt and jeans and climb into bed next to her. I pulled her to me.

She sighed and cuddled into me. I started to play with her hair and eventually she fell asleep.

*knock knock*

"What?" I said quietly.

Damon walks in with a syringe filled with more silver.

I held out my arm and he shot it in my vein.

"Is it helping?"

"Yea my wolf isn't bothering me"

"How is she doing?"

"Ok for now. But this won't be enough for her soon."

"I know.... That's why I talked to the pack doctor"

"What did he say?"

"He said that we could give her some medicine to keep her sleeping. She won't be in any pain and when her heat is over we can take her off of it."

"It won't hurt her?"


"Go get it"

A couple minutes after Damon left, Alex started to stir. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Hi" I smiled.

She gave me a little smile back.

"Is your pain getting worse?"

She nodded her head.

*knock knock*


Damon opened the door, "I got the thing."


He secretly handed it to me and walked out.

"I have something that will help the pain ok?"

I pulled out the needle. Her eyes widened as he tried to get out of my arms.

"Sweetie it'll take the pain away."
She whimpered and kept trying to get away.

"Ok... Ok" I put it on the end table,"it's gone."

She instantly relax and cuddled back into my arms.

"I think I have something else that might help you." She looked up at me with scared eyes.

"No needles."I whispered.

She nodded her head.

I got closer to her and gently placed my lips on hers.

She closed her eyes and started to kiss me back. I slowly started to get on top of her.

She let out a moan and I growled.

I grab the needle from from the table.

She let go of the kiss and I went to her neck I found the spot where I'm supposed to mark her and she moaned.

I started to suck on the spot and she started to wiggle and moan.

In the middle of one of her moans I pushed the needle into her arm.

It seemed like she didn't notice because when I lifted my head she attached her lips back onto mine. I started to kiss her back.

Her kisses started to get sloppier and I knew the morphine was kicking in, soon enough she stop kissing me. I looked down and saw her looking into my eyes about to fall asleep.

"I'm sorry baby... It's for your own good." I said breathless.

She looked at me confused and then her eyes closed.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been trying to keep up with it but I'm always either at school or work. I'll try harder to keep up.

Thank you for reading.

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