Chapter 11

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I was sitting next to her bed as I looked through my emails on my phone when she started to wake up. I put my phone in my pocket and stood up. I walked to the side of her bed and she opened her eyes.

"Hey sweetie, I've been waiting for you to wake up. The doctor said you can leave here." I smiled at her.

She looked around the room and then back up at me. I saw doubt in her eyes.

"It'll be the same as here except you'll have a more comfy bed and you'll get to walk around." I said as I held out my hand to her.

She looked at me hand and ignored it as she started to get up by herself.

She stood up and she started to lose balance, but ended up catching herself.

"Do you wanna walk, or do you want me to carry you?" She ignored what I said and walked to the door. I followed her and opened the door as she walked through. I started to walk ahead of her and she followed.

I headed towards the pack house, but the more we walked the slower she was getting. Eventually I turned around and grabbed her. She yelped and tried to get out of my arms.

"You're tired let me carry you, we're almost there." She stopped struggling and I started to walk again. I walked into the pack house and headed straight towards the stairs to go to my room.

"I'm taking you to get a bath and change your clothes and then we can go to the kitchen to have a snack." I explained to her as I walked into my room. I set her down on her feet and walked into the bathroom to fill the tub.

"Bring me some clothes for my mate, we're in my room."

"Yes King" my Beta replied.

I walked back out to see my mate in the same position I left her in.

"Come on sweetie, the bath is ready." She followed me into the bathroom.

"You know how to wash yourself right sweetie?" I asked after I showed her the different soaps.

She looked up at me with a blank expression on her face.

"Here I'll help you ok?" She didn't move a muscle.

I walked over to her,"first you have to take off your clothes because they're dirty." I said as I lifted up her shirt and took off her pants.

"Now step into the tub" I held my hand out for her just in case she loses balance as she stepped in.

"Now sit down" She did as I told her to and just looked at the wall in front of her frozen.

"Alpha I got the clothes"

"Just leave them on the bed"

"Yes King"

"Ok sweetie I'm going to wash you hair now"

I took a plastic cup and put some water in it.

"Look up sweetie"

She looked up and I put my hand on her forehead to prevent water getting into her eyes and dumped the cup on her hair. She jumped at the contact.

"It's ok sweetie it's just water."

I then took some shampoo and put it in her hair. I started from the top massaging her scalp and going down to the dead ends of her hair.

I washed out the soap and repeated the same steps for the conditioner.

"Ok sweetie, I'm going to wash your body now."

I took a facecloth and put some soap on it.

"It's going to sting you back a little bit." I said softly.

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