Chapter 12

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It is now late at night and I stayed in my office the whole time. Of course checking on my Mate once in awhile.

I get up from my desk and walk out and go into our bedroom.

Hmmm... I like that... Ours. My wolf purred.

I ignored him and stripped into my boxers and climbed into bed. I grabbed my mate by the waist and pull her into me so I can cuddle with her.

Speaking of my mate, I don't even know her name.

'I can't connect with her wolf either to find out. I feel her there, but there's like some type of barrier blocking me.' Max whimpered.

'Well she did keep asking about silver maybe she has too much in her system and that's what's stopping it? I'll talk to the doctor tomorrow.'

'Something's wrong with mate.' Max whimpered.

I looked down at her to see her whimpering and crying.

She's having a nightmare.

"Sweetie! Come on, wake up! It's just a nightmare." I started to shake her.

She jumped up and I pulled her into my embrace as she sobbed into my chest.

"You're ok sweetie, I'm right here, you're safe with me...Everything's ok" I whispered to her.

After a couple minutes she stopped crying and started to try to get away from me. I let her go and she went back under the covers putting herself into a little ball. I laid back down next to her and pulled her on top of me.

She started to whimper trying to get out of my hold, but I wouldn't let her.

"Just relax and close your eyes sweetie" I whispered into her ear.

She yelped and tried to jump away.

I ignored that and started to play with her hair.

After a while she finally relaxed and fell asleep.

I laid her back on the bed beside me and cuddle into her.

"Good night my little Mate." I smiled drifting off to sleep.

I would've posted sooner, but I got some bad news and it took a toll on my... I'm sorry
At least the bad news will give me more time to write.

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