Chapter 8

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I heard a whimper come from being the bathroom door. I walked over and smelled.

"Yep, she's definitely in there.'

"I'm gonna open the door, ok?" I said as softly as I could manage.

I heard her whimper again, and I took that as a ok. I opened the door and saw her backed into a

corner looking at me with scared eyes.

"Come on sweetie let's get you back into bed, your back is probably killing you right now."

She whimpered again and tried to back herself into the wall more.

I took a step closer and she yelp and started to cry.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to get you back into bed ok?"

She shook her head no as more tears started to fall.

"You can walk if you want. It's just, I thought that if I carried your back won't her as much."

She turned her head slightly towards me and looked at me through her eyelashes.

"I won't ever hurt you, I promise."

She stood frozen, so I took that as in ok and I took another step to her. She still didn't move a

muscle. So I kept walking to her slowly until I reached her.

"Ok sweetie, your back might hurt a little when I pick you up, but it won't last for long ok?" She

still didn't move.

I leaned down and picked her up bridal style and she started to whimper.

"I know sweetie we're almost to your bed." I said walking to the bed as quickly as I could.

"Ok I'm going to put you down slowly" I said as I started to lower her.

She started to whimper louder as she laid on her back.

Once she was comfortable I grabbed the chair and pulled it closer to the bed and sat down.

I looked at her as she just stared at the wall in front of her.

"Are you hungry or thirsty sweetie." She still didn't move.

"I found her, bring her some soup and water."​I mindlinked the doctor.

"Yes King"

He came rushing in with her food minutes later.

I saw her jump getting scared as he did so.

He started to walk to her to give her the food but she yelped and moved away.

I grabbed it out of his hand before he walked any closer to her.

"You may leave" I said in my alpha voice and he scampered out.

I walked over to my mate and sat onto the side of the bed. She looked at me frightfully as I

placed the food on the table beside the bed and took the cup of water putting up to her lips.

"Drink sweetie."

She shook her head

"Why not?"

"Silver" She whispered.

"Silver? There's no silver in this room, nor will there ever be silver near you, ok? Now drink

sweetie." She shook her head again.

I sighed and put the cup next to the soup.

"Get me an unopened water bottle"

"Yes King"
The doctor walked back in a minute later and I took the bottle from him as he ran out of the

room as fast as he could.

I sat on her bed in the same position as before.

"Here's an unopened water bottle. I'm going to open it right in front of you so you know that I did

nothing to the water, ok?"

She looked up at me and then at the bottle waiting for me to open it.

I twisted the cap off and handed the bottle to her.

She lifted her hand shaking out of fear and took the bottle out of my hand. She looked at it for a

couple seconds before she slowly lifted it to her mouth. She took a small sip and then I saw a

little smile appear on her face. She took another sip and then kept on drinking it. When the

water was finished she looked up at me sadly.

I chuckled, "I'll get you another one, but first, I want you to eat."

I took the empty bottle and put it on the table and picked up the soup.

I put a spoonful up to her mouth and she slowly opened it and ate it. I smiled at her and gave

her another spoonful.

This kept going on until a little less than a quarter of the way through the bowl and she refused

to eat anymore.

"Are you full sweetie?" She nodded her head slowly.

"Ok, lay down and get some rest, I'm going to be right back. No one will be here ok. I'm just

going to get some more water for you when you wake up."

She nodded.

"I'll keep a guard outside the door to make sure no one comes in." I told her as I got up and

grabbed the dishes.

"Go to sleep sweetie I'll be here when you wake up." I promised as I walked out the door.

Sorry for not updating for a while, I got a new puppy and I've been nonstop potty training her.
Thank you guys for being patient with me.

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