Chapter 7

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I'm walking back up the stairs from talking to the pack doctor. He said he doesn't know if her wolf will come back, and that we'll have to play it by ear. I might have broken a couple of his bones due to him annoying me. He's one of the best pack doctors in the in the continent but yet he can't figure it out. I walk into the suite and started towards the living room which leads towards Alexandria and I's room. When I turn the corner I see her and James sitting on the couch smiling at the phone in her hands. My wolf fights to take over as I growl at James for being too close to her.

GUY NEAR MATE! KILL HIM! He jumps up and bows his head.

"Hi Matt"

"What is she doing sitting next to you?" I demand.

"She didn't want to be cooped up in the room anymore so I let her sit out here with me."

"That doesn't explain why you were close to her." He ignores me and turns to my mate.

"I need my phone back Lexi" She looks up at him and give a face like she's about to cry.

"I'll tell Matt to download the game on his phone so you can play whenever you want" She smiles and hands the phone to back him.

"Alexandria, can you go into the room for a minute so I can talk to James" I say without taking my glare off of James. She puts her head down and shuffles into the room.

"Do I have to repeat my question?" I grumble, walking closer to James clenching my fist after the door shut.

"No, sir, I was helping her play the game, she had a question about one of the words... Uh, also, so, um, I don't know if you'd want to know, but I um got her to open up to me a little bit." He rubs the back of his neck.

"How?" I cross my arms.

"Well she has a brother and she said he's still part of her old pack and she wants to see him... I thought that'll be a great way to see why she would want to see the Alpha... Also I found out that she's scared of you because you look more frightening than Robert."

"Ok, go down there today with a couple warriors and find him. I want him here so I could talk to him." I say as I start walking to go see Alexandria.

"Ok, one more thing, umm...if you really want her to like you then you should download this game onto your phone."

"What game?" I stop walking.

"Well, it's not really a game, it's an app to help her with her vocabulary, but she loves it." He shows me the name of it.

"Ok, I'll get it... you may go" He nods his head and walks out of the suite as I walk into our room.

"Hey Alex, do you want to go next door with me to my office. I need to do some work and I didn't think you would want to be left alone." She ignores me like normal and keeps her hand down while fidgeting with her hands.

"I'll give you my phone to play the game that was on James's phone." I see her eyes light up and she turns and looks down at my feet.

"Come on" I smiled lightly and hold my hand out to her. She slowly stands up and walks to the door, ignoring my hand. I walk her into my office and get her situated on the couch. I downloaded the game on my phone and handed it to her. She immediately starts to play the game. I smile happy that she's finally somewhat happy and walk over to my desk to start all of my paperwork. After a about a half an hour I look up at Alexandria and see her pouting at my phone.

"What happened?" I get up from my desk and kneel down in front of her. She hands me the phone and I see that it won't turn on indicating that it's dead, "Oh, this happens all the time, it just means you need to recharge the battery." I tell her as I get back up and look through my desk for my charger.

"Here it is" I walk back to her and plug the phone in the plug that's next to the couch. I press down the button on my phone until the screen lights up. After a couple seconds my phone turns back on and I put my passcode in and pull the app back on.

"All fixed, sweetheart" I smile handing the phone back to her. She smiles slightly at the phone and starts to play again and I went back to my desk to get back to work.


It's now the next day around noon. We're back in my office and she's still playing on my phone, but this time instead of sitting on the couch she's laying down with a blanket over her.

*knock knock*

"Come in" The door opens and James comes in.

"King, I got him downstairs with his mate."

"Ok... Alexandria can you go into our room with James for a couple minutes... You can take my phone with you" She gets up and walks out with James without even looking up from my phone.

'She's becoming way too addicted to that thing.'

I don't care as long as she's happy.

'Your whipped.'

Dude, we're the same person

'Shut up'

Ha, see you know I'm right

I ignore him and block him out and then I mindlink James, "Make sure she doesn't leave the room and stay outside the door... And get her brother up here" A couple minutes later I hear another knock at my door.

"Come in" A guy and a girl walks in and I stand up.

"Hi, I'm Damon and this is my mate Cassandra" They walk up to the desk and he sticks his hand out.

"Matthew King... Have a seat." I shake his hand and we all sat down.

"So, I brought you here because my mate claims to be your sister and she wants to see you. I just have to ask a couple questions and then I'll have her come in and reunite you--" I start off but I was interrupted, "I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong guy, my sister died in a rogue attack 5 years ago." I lean back in my seat and cross my arms.

"You're the only Damon in your pack, right?"

"Correct, King" I smirked, "Thought so... What was her name?" I tilted my head.

"Her name was Alexandria" I nodded my head seeming to be in deep thought, "What happened to your parents?"

"My mom died giving birth to Lexi, my sister, and you took my Father and sent my pack to another Alpha."

I sit up, "wait a second, your father is Robert?"


"How old are you?"

"I'm going to be 18 in a month, sir"

"Well when you turn 18, I'll let you take your pack members and land back to become Alpha. You just need to answer my questions and hear me out." I fold my hands and put them on the desk.


"How old is Alexandra supposed to be now?"

"She was supposed to be 16 a couple weeks ago."

"When's her birthday?"

"May 2nd"

"Well, I have some news to tell you... You're sister never died in a rogue attack, your Father just told you that because he didn't want you to hate him."

He looks at me confused, "What do you think happened to her then"

"He disowned her and made her a pack slave... I found her when I checked up on your pack she was severely injured and looked like she hadn't eaten in months. And since she's not in contact with her wolf due to the abuse, she's healing as if she's a normal human"

"That can't be possible, my Father wouldn't do that to her" He gives me a dirty look.

I nod my head, "Can you bring Alexandria into my office please"

A minute later the door opens while Alexandria and James walked in with her and once again not even looking up from the phone. Damon immediately turns around to see who walked and must've noticed her because he jumps up, "Lexi?"

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