Chapter 4

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The scary guy just left, and I remain still staring at the door expecting someone to rush in and beat me.

'Speaking of that, why hasn't he hurt me yet? Why did he give me food and water that didn't have silver in it? Is he waiting till I get out of this place?' I whine becoming afraid because he seems a lot stronger than Da-Alpha, which means the beatings are going to be worse. I draw my knees to my chest and put my head down as I rock myself. The more I think about it, the more scared I get, and eventually, I start to cry.

Abruptly there are arms around me and I instantly tense.

"Babe, it's just me ok. Relax, I'm right here." I attempt to get out of his arms because he might hurt me, but he's too strong. So I just whine. I think he got the hint because he let go of me.

"Look you have to get some rest ok? Lay down and close your eyes I'll be right here when you wake up." I stare in front of me and just sat there frozen, if I respond he might hit me like Alpha used to. The scary dude pushes me to make me lay down. I shake my head no and start to cry harder.

"Just close your eyes baby." I peer up at him trying to beg him to not make me go to sleep. But when I look up, he seems upset.

'Why was he sad? He's the one forcing me to go to sleep' He takes one of his hands from my arms and places it over my eyes causing me to close them. I thrash around trying to get his hand off, but he's too strong.

"I'll take my hand off as soon as you sleep." I thrash around and cry harder hoping that'll it make him stop, but of course, it doesn't. I can feel my body slowly start to give up.

'No, I don't want to fall asleep.' I try to open my eyes but I can't. 'I don't want to sleep' I keep repeating in my head until I eventually drift off.


I step out of the room as I saw James jogging towards me.

"Hey King, I came as soon as you mind linked me. What's wrong?"

"Just keep guard outside of this door, make sure no one goes in there even you. If anything happens mind link me and I'll be back immediately."

"Yes King"

"I won't be long," I call out as I stroll down the corridor that leads out of the pack hospital. I walk to the pack house which takes about 20 minutes. When I step through the door, I go straight into the kitchen to put the dishes in the sink. I go into the fridge and grab another water bottle for my Mate.

'I wonder if I should bring two just in case she downs this one too?'

I think one should be enough, if not we can get someone to get more.

'I guess... should we give her something else to drink, like orange juice?'

No... we barely got her to drink out of an unopened bottle. How are we going to get her to drink out of a cup, no less of something she probably has never seen before. Besides, why orange juice. It's incredibly acidic dumbass. The drink will burn her throat because it's most likely raw from consuming silver.

'Whatever Max... I just didn't want her to have the same old thing." I shut the fridge door and turn to go out of the kitchen, but as I was walking out someone was walking in, and they bumped into me. I caught whoever it was and looked down.

'Fuck, of course, I had to bump into her.'


"Hey King, I haven't seen you in a while. Do you maybe need some release" She purrs as I let her go.

"No" I grumble out.


'Shut up Max! Can't you see I'm trying!'

"Oh come on King, we all know how much stress you've been going through lately, let me help."

"Madison I said no just like a did a thousand times before now leave me alone or you're going to the dungeon... level 3." She lets out an annoying high pitched yelp as go around her and walk out of the pack house heading to the hospital.

"Alpha I can hear her crying." James mind links me.

"I'm on my way" When I get to the pack hospital I walk down the hallway where her room is, and I can hear her crying and weeping.

"You may go," I say to James as I walk past him into her room.

I open the door, and I see her sitting on the bed rocking herself back and forth. I place the water on the side table and hug her. She goes rigid and keeps on crying.

"Babe, it's just me ok. Relax, I'm right here." She attempts to get out of my arms and after a couple of moments struggling she gives up and whimpers. Taking that as a cue that she's done, I let go of her.

"Look you have to get some rest ok? Lay down and close your eyes. I'll be right here when you wake up." She just ignores me and stares at the wall sniffling. I sigh and lightly push her on her back. She starts to cry and shake her head.

"Just close your eyes baby." She looks up at me as if she was begging not to go to sleep, but she needs to rest. So I take one of my hands and place it over her eyes. She attempts to get my hand off but can't.

"I'll take my hand off as soon as you sleep."

She starts to thrash around and cry. After a couple of minutes, her thrashing slows down until she eventually stops. I lift my hand to see that she has fallen to sleep and I let go of her completely. I put a blanket over her body and kiss her forehead. I walked out of her room to find the doctor. When I get out there, I see he's sitting at the desk talking with one of the nurses. They hear me coming, and they immediately stop talking waiting for me to speak.

"When am I allowed to take her home."

"Depends, is she eating and drinking?" He asks as he glances down at the papers in his hands.

"No much food but yes."

"How does she act around you?"

"She's still scared, but she's getting better."

"What is she doing right now?"


"Ok, I'll go in there right now while she's asleep and take her off the machines and you'll be able to take her home as soon as she wakes up."

"Ok" I turn to head back into her room as the doctor follows behind me.

Hey guys.
I'll try to get the next chapter up tonight. I just have to read through it for mistakes.
Hopefully, soon I'll be done with getting up the new version.
Thank you for reading!

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