Chapter 10

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I walked out of the door as I saw James coming towards me.

"Hey King what do you need?"

"Just keep guard, make sure no one goes in there. If anything happens mindlink me."

"Yes King"

"I won't be that long" I said as I walked down the corridor.

I went to the pack house and put the dishes in the sink.

I went into the fridge and grabbed another water bottle for my Mate.

I shut the door and started to walk out, but as I was walking out someone was walking in and they bumped into me. I caught whoever it was and looked down.

'Of course I had to bump into her.'

"Hey King, I haven't seen you in a while. Do you need some release" She purred as I let her go.

"No" I growled out.

"Oh come on King, we all know how much stress you've been going through lately, let me help"

"Madison I said no just like a did a thousand times before now leave me alone or you're going to the dungeon, level 3."

She yelped as she ran past me into the kitchen.

"Alpha I hear her crying." James mindlinked me.

"I'm on my way" I said as I started walking to the pack hospital.

When I got close to her room I could hear crying and whimpering.

"You may go" I said to my Beta as I walked into her room.

She was sitting on the bed rocking herself back and forth.

I put the water on the side table and hugged her. She went completely stiff and keep crying.

"Sweetie, it's just me ok. Just relax, I'm right here."

She tried to get out of my arms and after struggling she gave up and whimpered. I let go of her and looked at her.

"Look you have to get some rest ok? Lay down and close your eyes I'll be right here when you wake up."

She just ignored me and look at the wall.

I sighed and grabbed her laying her down. She started crying shaking her head.

"Just close your eyes sweetie."

She looked up at me as if she was begging not to go to sleep, but she needed to rest.

So I took one of my hands and put it over her eyes. She tried to get my hand off but couldn't.

"I'll take my hand off as soon as you sleep."

She started to thrash around and cry. After a couple minutes she stopped. I lift my hand to see that she fell asleep and let go of her completely.

I put the blanket over her body and kissed her forehead.

I walked out of the room to the doctor.

"When am I allowed to take her home"

"Depends, is she eating and drinking?" He asked as he looked up from his papers.

"No much food but yes"

"How does she act around you?"

"She's still scared but she's getting better."

"What is she doing right now?"


"Ok, I'll go in there right now while she's asleep and take her off the machines and you'll be able to take her home as soon as she wakes up."


I'm going to upload another chapter in a little bit since this one's short. I'm working on making them longer for you guys.

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