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Listening silently to the sound of her heels, I can't help but remember that drum beat her ass played with each clink and clank, the sweet smell of her perfume overwhelming my senses and distracting me from my sweet breakfast. The soft feel of her plump lips on my cheek alongside the soft sounding of her voice, greeting, "good morning love." And all though I could not see her now I knew she'd definitely look beautiful. Lifting my head slowly towards the direction I felt she was I replied, "good morning my never aging wife."

She chuckled softly, I could actually feel her reflective white teeth getting uncovered by her cherry red lips with her light brown her falling softly on her face as she tilts her head to hide her blush even when she knows I can't see her.

"You look so cute when you blush."


I really shouldn't have said that to her , now she's going to wave her hand in front of my eyes. And I won't blink even though I feel it fanning some air onto my face , then she'd ask me, "how many fingers am I holding?" And I will say,

"As many as you can see," with a sad grin reaching out for her hand. Detecting the sudden fall in the atmosphere. Finally feeling her soft hand in mine, I kiss it and say, "hey, we'll get through this together okay, doctor said that in a few weeks my vision should be back again and then we can have the loveliest children together," I say that last part whilst wiggling my eyebrows, I finally hear that one thing that pushes me through this scar- her laugh.

"I love you,"

"And I love you too," I say, giving her hand a squeeze and trying to get up to get a proper kiss from my wife.

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