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"What's going on in here?"

"You're back real early."

"Well, I was feeling really bad about leaving my sweet husband for far to long. I was missing you."

Fucking Bull. I chuckled and kept my eyes away from her. I know. That the only reason she keeps coming back is to check if I'm still blind, only because she doesn't want me to come back and take over the business. It's so obvious she's scared of me finding out about her little secret.

"What do you think is going on?"

"Elena, what's going on?"

"Anne, I asked you a question and I want an answer."

There was nothing and then she left.

"I'll go get the car running for your appointment."

I held onto her wrist before she could take a step.

"You know you can't leave me now right? There's a reason why my mother sent you here, because she knows something we don't. I need you and you need me." I was carefully whispering this to her, after all, walls do have ears and I do not want to take any risks with that.


My session with the doctor turned out to be shorter than usual.

I was already home before I could even notice. Helena went straight to the kitchen while I was headed for my room when, suddenly there were strange noises echoing through the walls.

Did someone turn the T.V on? I tried to ignore it though and held on real tight to my cane- didn't want Anne to know just yet.

As I open my bedroom door slowly, the sound intensified but then there was silence and hushed voices. Then, entering my room I called on Anne: "Anne, is that you?"

I turned my head in the direction of our bed. I had my shades on and I was really grateful I had them there to cover my shocked expression.

She was... Goodness it was too disgusting to describe.

"Eerrmmm just watching some TV." Liar!

"Oh, what's going on ?"

While she was talking, the dumb ass bastard had the guts to try to get away. So I stood in the door frame.


"What you watching. What's going on now, it's sounds pretty interesting."

"Well... There's a couple, together..." Don't you dare try bullshitting out of this one.

"Well it sounded like somebody just got caught in the act." I smiled teasingly at their pale white faces. I slowly walk towards the dude in front of me and try to reach to him.

"I'm right here honey." I left the dead man to live and went to sit with her. I felt real filthy just sitting on my own bed.

I slept in the guest room that night. She just added to the scenes in my nightmares. And each time that picture popped up in the dream I'd explode and end up with the scene of blood exploded onto a wall spelling: CHEAT!

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