The story (JAMES)

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Listening to the voices of my wife and "sitter", I just can't help the unexpected rush of emotions, bringing flashbacks and teasing me with the reminder of my being cursed.

It always comes afresh to mock me, making me look like I'm losing it.

Hits me too hard...


I was filled with joy looking at the woman beside me that just became my wife but then the joy in my heart was in battle with the worry of my thoughts. I was scared. Scared that history might repeat itself. Turning my head to my side, I smile a little trying to reassure myself that she won't leave me.

Suddenly our car pulled over and I was immediately dragged out of the car. My 'wife' screaming on the top of her lungs and I clawing to get back to her. I didn't care who was pulling me, I just wanted to get back into my wife's arms and wrap her in mine where I know that we'd both be safe. Punching and thrusting my fists in the air, I struggled even more just to reach to her as she was being restricted and just as our fingertips touched, I was knocked out. From there onwards, it was just Her face that came to sight: my first ever and my only true love. What if it is our history together that caused this? Oh Anne, I wouldn't want this to happen to ours  too. I promised to try and love you even though my heart was with Her.
My head was pounding  so hard I couldn't  differentiate between it being the memory or reality.

The next thing I know, I go crushing down on a soft plush material, my hands over my head and then that one sound that pulled me out of my sleep that day was calling out to me again: oh deja vu .

Slowly, opening my eyes, I can't help the tear that begins to find its way slowly down my cheek😢. It was still dark but at least I didn't have to suffer the pain of her worried expression.😔 That would have done me real good, good enough to get me peace and save me from the pain the scattered pieces of my heart bring me.

"James, James baby please wake up."

"Shit woman! I almost thought there was a fire" I say in response to her worried tone and get rewarded with a slap to the back of my head.

"This is no time to joke James, I'm really serious right now. What the fuck just happened?"

"Nothing." I say in repose to her angry tone, turning my head away from where I knew she was , I call out to Elina whom, I felt, was right beside me, "what? You expecting me to stay down here all day?"

"Oh sorry......" From  the sound her voice I could tell that she was pretty startled with my change in attitude.

"For a moment there, I thought....."

"You thought what?" I knew she didn't mean any wrong by her thoughts but the sad tone in my wife's voice. Anne had always been one to exaggerate things in a way that I'd have to remember it all again. She always loved to bring things from the past and they always wounded me but now, I  really wanted to hear what she'd say. "You thought what!"

"For a moment there I almost thought you were going to ..... You know....."

"Know what!? What am I supposed to know?" Getting all to pissed, I just start to move towards her, holding up a finger at her, "Huh? Answer me! What did you think? That I was going to see again? Is that what you thought? Well sorry love but it ain't happening anytime soon so you can stop bothering me about it."


Then sulking

Then tears.

She was crying😦........ Oh shit. What have I done?

"Elina pleas take me out of here." I just can't take it anymore.

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