Dear Micah (ESTELLA)

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I don't know.

I don't know if you've been following my instructions to get these mails.

I don't know if the first one got to you.

Why do I say this?

Well I say this because I have noticed that you refuse to write back.

And it hurts.

I do not know why you do this but I keep telling myself that maybe it's because you might be scared.

Scared that I might not be real.

Or that the bad people I talk to you about might find this and know about us.


But I want you to try and notice how I confidently write about everything to you. It's because I am very sure that it is going to you and you alone.

Well. I will be coming to New York real soon and I would like to see you at our spot.

At our usual time.

In our spot.

Your Uncle Joe will be there to pick you up at the usual place.

We have a lot to catch up with.

And please don't forget.

Don't forget that I love you.

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