Getting Closer (JAMES)

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It was a dark and cruel place to be: in the silence. At my old house, searching for my family.

"Ella?! Micah?! Where are you?!" The silence. It was so painful. It was just this morning that I had a fight with my wife. It was just this morning that she cried it all out. She accused me of not loving her, crying that no one would ever love her because she didn't deserve to be loved and that she had learnt that today. She had finaly told me about how she truly felt throughout our marriage, that it was all a mistake.

Even now as my voice continually echoes throughout the house, the silence begins to disapear and only Her voice seems to fill the space. Her screams, Her sobs, the glass breaking; mimicking my shattering heart.

Climbing the stairs, searching here and there for the woman who held my heart. I could feel her squeezing it. I could feel her getting ready to hammer it to dust. And I was climbing high just to get to her, to stop her from leaving , to stop her from breaking me.

But now I was falling, looking up at our family photos with a tear rolling down to my ear, it was burning, the picture was dying, our love was dying and when my back finally hit the ground , she was right beside me and though my body was screaming in pain, I couldn't care less because it was nothing compared to what I felt in the remains of my heart.

"Ella." I whispered and she whispered back my name. Someone was shaking me and it was dark all around. I still couldn't see but Her eyes never left my sight.

"Mr. James," I was still shaking, "Mr. James."

Blinking once then twice, "Ella?"

"No, not Ella sir, it's me, Elina."

"Oh." Well that was strange, for a second there I thought she was... Well, that really was some dream huh.

"Are you okay sir? I was just down in the living room when I heard a thump from your room so I ran as fast I could and found you on the floor and, and I hope you are okay 'cause finding you on the floor staring up into the sky and mentioning some lady's name really scared the hell out of me and -"

Gosh this woman could write a whole book with her rumbling so I just shut her up, saying, " well I'm fine thank you and I really appreciate you shaking a headache into me with your screams but can you just please help me up?"

"Oh, sorry about that. I was just scared for you..." She sighs as she pulls me up, "well would like me to get you a painkiller to help you with that headache ?"

She helped me off the floor and on the bed to sit.
"How are you able to keep up with my wife and I ?"



I felt the bed dip under her weight.

"Well first off, your wife is a different case altogether but you, you're just going through a tough stage right now and all you need is a little more care and attention instead of the pressure and drama. Besides,I can see that you really do miss HER."

She lowered her voice during that last sentence . "Well Elina, you just brightened my day," I said with a smile, looking in the direction I felt she was.

"But now can I have the pain killer?"


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