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It was today. I finally get to meet my son after all those years of wait.

Helena said he was having some sort of after school activity so he couldn't meet me at the special time so I had to wait for a bit longer just to meet him.

I just left my mother's house and noticed it was 6pm : the usual time Ella and I used to get gelato on every Friday even before we got married. It was like some sort of tradition that lasted even after our high school graduation, so when we traveled out of New York to different Universities, we always came back to that one gelato shop where we were reunited and ever since then we always promised each other that no matter what happens to us, we will always go there at the usual time whenever we were in the city.

We always brought Micah with us here when he was a baby but I stopped coming here after she left and even after my accident, I never went out - except for that one time when Helena took me to the park.

Today I wanted to catch up with myself at least, before I meet Micah. I wanted to spend this alone time to fix me so that I could be in the right mind before meeting with him. I didn't want him to think that his father was just this psycho who wasn't there to be his father.

Quickly jumping out of my car into the chilly pre-winter air, I look up to the really old gelato shop. I smiled. It looked so much different from the last time I came here and then it hit me.

The last time I came here, I had my wife and son in my arms and even though we were a bit awkward then, we were still happy.

Was I really sure I wanted to meet Micah today? I mean after what I did to him and his mother?

Will he even be happy to see me?

Would he even be able to recognize me?

I was too lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice that I was walking. I was on the floor before I even stop myself. I ran into someone.

"Sorry." I looked up at the sound of her voice and she did same too at the sound of mine.

"Ella?" "James?"

We were both looking at each other with shocked faces. It was so unreal because my Ella was dead and buried. Maybe it was Helena but then her voice and she actually had that beauty spot Ella had.

We both got to our feet as quickly as we could and just continued to stare at each other. She'd grown but she still looked as beautiful, she was wearing that necklace she always loved to wear everyday underneath another set of jewelry. He ginger brown hair was longer now and her nice, huge brown eyes looked even more beautiful. It was her. She was alive. I smiled but then she wore a scared look. I was about to say something when a man walked up to her and pecked her on the lips and then Micah just popped out of no where and when I looked back to were she stood before, she was gone and left me staring at the 12 year old with her brown eyes and nose.

Why did life have to be so cruel to me? Because it wasn't until she disappeared that i noticed the ring.

She moved on.


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