Really????? (JAMES)

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Days have passed and so have nights. I have been left all alone in my apartment I was meant to share with my wife because she claims that she has to fly to Paris. Of France. For an 'impor- and note that I quote heavily- 'important' meeting.

I was so fed up with all of this: Of Anne feeling she could leave me alone for her selfish needs; For her lies not up in my face, but my ear! And on phone!; For suffering from my nightmares day after day without the presence of my wife for comfort- I honestly don't think I was referring to Anne here- ; knowing so well that she is off somewhere partying or getting drank off her arse.
Damn that bi***, damn her for her unfaithfulness and her selfishness. Mother was right: I shouldn't have married that whore. I should have never fallen prey to my father's advances to rule my life.

I was weeping so hard, I didn't even have the chance to take notice of the feeling of warm arms wrapped around me. She had my head up on her chest. She was so soft. So gentil. I missed this feeling so much. She smelt so nice. Like a field of fresh cherry blossoms and the feel of her silky hair. I breathed it in. It smelled like cherries. Sweat cherries.


"No. Elena." She spoke softly as though comforting a child but I was not a child!

I am a full grown man who has lots of experience. I got married at 20 and had my first child 5 months later. My wife and son are still out there and I will not rest until I finally found them.

"Thank you Elena but I am very sure I am passed the stage of breast feeding." She quickly withdrew from me.

"So sorr-"

"Oh skip the apologies and lets head straight for the bathroom."

Since my "wife" left Elena has been the one to look out for me. Like prepare my baths and help me out in the bathroom but I guess the way I addressed it got her a bit perplexed since she went silent and now that I slowly replay it in my head.....

"I meant to say that I needed to take a piss." I say a bit to hastily.

"Of course.." A little cough, "alright." And with that, she helps me up, I head to the washroom leaving her at the door.

Minutes later I'm seated at my kitchen counter in a T-shirt and joggers Elena picked out for me. Slowly munching on my muffin, I take a break when an idea suddenly popped up in my mind.

"Lonely, I am so lonely, I have nobody, I'm all on my own-"

"Please Mr. P what is it?"

"Why, don't like my singing?"

"No, you have a great voice-"

"Why thank you"

"-but the genre of the song is so depressing and is not good for your state."

"Hhhhmmmm 'tis true, although I will like to make it well known to you my state of emotion as you've always requested of me."

"Shall I call your wife then?"



"I do not wish to speak to her, at least not now."

"Okay then."

"Where is your son now?"

" At school."

"And who picks him up?"


"Oh. Well could you call and ask her not to today?"


"So we can pick him up and have some gelato together at my favorite ice cream parlor."


"Well yes. Besides, when was the last time you had a good gelato with your son, much less picked him up by your self?"


"Ages? Thought as much and you can't say no to this one so all you have to do is pick an outfit you think I'd look best in before your son, get me one pair of shades to go with it and let's get out of this bloody place."

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