Back Home (JAMES)

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Home at last. No Anne, no more of that box of an apartment, now I could go back to work and focus on regaining my life.

First things first: a visit to my mother to let her know that I'm finally okay.

Second task of the day: take Micah to get some gelato.

Third step to recovery: restore my self to my rightful position as the rightful owner of my father's work and property.

Final step: come out of the shadows after investigators say it is finally okay to step into the light and find out why.

It's sad actually. My life has just been a huge puzzle that I was never able to fix. Ella tried - Yes - but then she just lost her life for that and I now have to go through the pain of knowing that it was my fault that my only true love died because of me.

Now all I had was Helena who I hardly know but somehow seems to have some sort of connection to Ella, and Micah, who is too young to remember how any of us look like.

He was just 1 when she left, 5 when she died and now he is 12.

At least I will be there for his first birthday as a teenager and when he finally becomes an adult.

That was all I could look up to. Being with my son for the rest of his life. to watch him bloom and blossom into a great person; after all that's every good parent's dream and that's exactly what I wanted to be towards him.

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