New beginings (MICAH)

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It's all over now. Estella is dead and now my dad's married to her twin, Rosetta who had always been presented as the only daughter.
Estella, after telling me everything, had gotten worse, she died two days after being hospitalized.
I cried and so did my dad and my three sisters and their father and Molly and the maids and Giagiá and my "dead" grandparents and my dad wait I think I mentioned him already. Just know that he was really, really, really sad. Now, where was I?
Yeah so every single person that knew her cried so we basically mourned for like three months and people kept bringing in gifts till the three months and then years passed and we all moved on and now I'm the new owner of all her properties and businesses.
Molly and I got married and now we just have our dog.

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