Who Are You (JAMES)

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Oh mystery.
Oh love.
Oh pain!
What was it that I missed? Was it the frown behind her every smile? Was it the heaviness behind every laugh? Or was it the pain in every glee?
She was always sad about something. If not the fact that she was getting closer to the people then it was just the mere fact that she was acknowledged as a living being.
I always felt she was just someone who was used to being alone. It didn't look like she had a family, she lived by herself. Yes I knew she had been working slots at the mall where we first met but still. She was always a mystery even after marriage she spoke in parables and mostly did the craziest things whenever she was drunk. She was strangely quiet.
The only time we ever got close was when she had one of her anxiety attacks ( guess her absence passed that on to me) she was so open but it was still too little: just three words being said over and over again, "Don't leave me" , they at least gave off a little story but this, this is just too much!

I fell in love with a stranger.

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