I'm So Sorry (MICAH)

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"When did this happen?" I haven't seen my mother for 12 good years and when I finally do, I find out that she's married with three other kids with that stranger and is the CEO of a famous French-Italian group of companies. Finally at this house of hers where she'd been hiding, finally getting the chance to hear out and finally introducing her to the love of my life, I have waited too long that when we were finally all alone, I asked her, "When did this happen?"
"You've grown to be your father."
"No, I've grown to become Selah." She was tearing up.
"My baby, you're still alive. I've missed you so much!" Wait a minute, she already said this. This so confusing, she's crying and repeating her self,
"Estella, what happened to you?"she chuckled.
"I really am not myself. Well, I haven't quite been myself since the accident-"
"-You've never actually been yourself-" I muttered in between.
"Yes, I haven't been quite open about the truth." She was fully crying now.
"Look, if I wanted to see a waterfall I would have gone to the Iguazu falls with my girlfriend so can you please quit this drama and explain to me your reason why because this is getting too annoying."
"That is no way to talk to your mother!" And here comes the asshole.
"She is my mother, and I will speak to her as I wish!"
"No you will not! You will respect her for the great and loving person who tried to save your life through her own mental illness!" It wasn't until then that I noticed my very own mother being held by her other children, having a seizure. That. That broke me. All my life I wondered why I had those dreams of my mother dropping me on the floor or shouting at me to leave her alone. They were memories from my childhood. Whenever things were so much fun or so depressing she shut me out and deny me as her son.
"Is this why you never accepted my father? Or me? Is this why you kept me locked up and only visited me once every two years? And you never even told Giagiá?"
"I'm so sorry," she managed to whisper and then she was taken up to her room to rest.
My very own mother was suffering from her own demons and refused to share, my own mother chose death over me.

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