But Why? (JAMES)

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Someone's breathing calmly on me.

Now my breath's been interrupted. She's touching me! She's back. Oh.

Her filthy long finger nails are slowly trailing down my back, slowly, creeping round my waist and riding down my abdomen.

Quickly I snatch her hand and throw it towards her.

"Can't a man sleep in peace?" Well she just ignored and continued to bug me by trailing her nails down my neck.

"Doctor says that he thinks that it's about time you had the surgery."

"So that's why you have to disturb me in my sleep?"

"Well it was just really bugging me-"

"Well now you're bugging me."

"Sorry." It was no other than a soft whisper that haunted my ears and pushed me right out of my comfortable bed. "What time is it?"

"It's five a.m."

"And at what time do you leave for work today?"




Wow it was like an invincible genie just granted me a wish by shutting her up.

Shrugging my shoulders, I quickly pick up my cane and walk out the door into the guest room. Finally finding the bed, I get into it and finally get back to the only good sleep I had in months.

<< Knock Knock >>

A twist at the door knob and a sigh

"James I'm really sorry for disturbing you and all but sometimes it just seems to get a bit too much for me to take and especially when we have the money to do it but just refuse to. James, I've been told that you constantly refuse to visit your doctor on the regular bases. Honey, I'm suddenly worried by the thought of you getting too comfortable with your condition."

I growl, " go to work Anne!"



"Yes babe?"

"Go to work."

"James Galen Pados would you stop acting like a child hiding in the guest room, come out and face me as your wife now."

Like I was actually going to walk out after she said my full name. Woman's going to get all bat-shit-crazy once she sees me and she'll spend the whole day screaming at me and totally call off from work just to finish her never ending lecture.

Luckily for me, Elena, my good friend had saved me from this one by just coming in for work.

I finally went to bed with the sound of Elena's voice in a bed time story right after Anne left me in her care.

"Mr. P?"



Okay now I'm fully awake.

"Why what?"

"Why didn't you just do the surgery when you could?"

Turning towards her voice, I pat the side of the bed as I begin to sit up. The feel of the bed dipping causes me to reach out for her.

"Elena, what is sight when my only sight is no more?"

"I... I don't get you."

I puff out some air and reach for her face between my hands and pull it in the direction of my face.

"Look at my eyes and tell me what you see. Do you see the pain?" She nods, "do you see the longing?" A slower nod, "and do you see the suffering?" She looks downward and whispers a yes.

"That was the look in her eyes when I last spoke with her. When she left me. I kept a keen eye on her until she vanished with my son and that's when I married Anne. When I lost all hope and now that I am literally blinded after losing her- my only sight; in my blindness she is my only sight. I can see only her now. But if I can see again, I know she won't be in my sight again."

I had tears streaming down my face now.

"You really loved her, didn't you?"

"She was my music, my favorite flavor, the only scent I followed, the only one who made me feel and my only sight."

Now I'm staring into the void in my heart.

"Mr. P, please don't go back to it, you have fight the pain. She might still be alive, your son might still be looking for you and your mother, she misses you."

My head down. And I'm Silent.

"There are still many that love you and you can't give up on hope, remember I have a promise to fulfill. Don't you want to meet Micah?"

Now she succeeded in drawing me back out.


"Yes, Micah."

"But how?"

"Just promise me you'd do the surgery first."

Silence x2.

"For Micah?"

I finally look up again and smile.

"For Micah."

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