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Walking down the street with Elina by my side, I begin to feel completely ill just knowing that I was a complete d**k towards her a while ago. Turning my head to my right I could just imagine her with her head facing downwards but I don't really know how she looks like since I met her after my accident. She was always so nice to me and helped me learn this technique called 'Eco-something '. I don't know but I had never appreciated a thing she'd done for me, maybe because my ego was a bit too strong......? But then again, she was always around to save me from Anne, who seems to be putting pressure on my eyes.

"Can you please take me to the park?"

"Oh, okay sir. There's one around the corner," her voice didn't sound right. She tried to lighten up her mood, she was actually, sad🙁

Sitting down on a bench, I place my hand beside me, reaching out to her but she wasn't even sitting.

"Please sit down,"

"I'm fine just standing ."

"What do you mean by y'ur fine? Sit Down!" she finally obeys and sits next to me. Running my hand down my face, I puff out some air in frustration. I was just mean to her again.

"Look, I'm really sorry about earlier this morning, I was just pretty pissed and I shouldn't have turned my anger out on you cause that was a dick move and I'm really sorry. It's just that it's been years now, since Anne and I's marriage, she's been putting a whole lot of pressure on me and I know that it ain't just me be you too, I could here her speaking harshly towards you each morning and she calls you all the time and the days you have to stay in late because she has to "work" in late, you know, being place in charge of my dad's company since I can't........" I blow out some air, "sometimes I can just imagine you getting home late to a angry husband and miserable child who waited up for you all night just because you have to take care of this useless piece o' sh** right here, every day." The whole time I felt I was talking to myself.



"Do you have kids?" Still some silence so I turned my head towards her sitting position.

"Yeah, a little boy,"

"Well I had one too, with the most beautiful woman in the world."  Pause, "but then she left me."

"Oh." Was all she was able to say.

"Elina, would you mind telling me about your son?"


"Oh it's okay then." Disappointed, I turn away and lay my chin on my walking stick.

"His name's Micah."at the sound of that name, I feel my heart flutter.

"Nice name," my voice raspy and shaken then I ask out of curiosity, "why'd you name him that?"

"I actually wanted to call him Selah but then his dad said no." A little chuckle there, "we fought for hours in the hospital room till we finally agreed on that one."

.......................Flashback ...........................

"Oh what a lovely baby," mum commented, "you guys really did a good job," her eyes filled with glee and joy as she played with our baby's tiny fingers, "so what's his name?"

"Selah, I've always wanted to call my first boy that."

"But that doesn't sound like a boys name, how about James junior?"

"Oh please you are Jame Jr. I don't want my son to be a James III... How about....... David?"

"Isn't that your ex's name😑?"

👀 "Well......"

This went on between us for hours until mum finally piped in.

"Okay it's been an hour now and you guys still haven't named the baby!" And that's when it came.

"Micah, let's name him Micah."

"Alright Micah it is then." I conclude, holding her hand and giving it a soft kiss. No words could express the joy I was experiencing now. My first child with my first love, I finally get to be with for the rest of my life.


Now she had captured my full attention, "how old is he?"

"He's ten now, he'll be eleven next week."

"Elina, when I can see again, can you please take me to see your son, that is if your husband wouldn't mind?"

"Actually, my husband died years ago in a car crash."

"Oh I'm sorry then,"

"Oh no it's okay."

"So will you still let me see him?"

"Sure." Was her answer with a small voice.

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